Hero Marhaento
Hero Marhaento
Forest Resources Conservation, Universitas Gadjah Mada
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Cited by
Hydrological response to future land-use change and climate change in a tropical catchment
H Marhaento, MJ Booij, AY Hoekstra
Hydrological sciences journal 63 (9), 1368-1385, 2018
Attribution of changes in the water balance of a tropical catchment to land use change using the SWAT model
H Marhaento, MJ Booij, THM Rientjes, AY Hoekstra
Hydrological Processes, 10.1002/hyp.11167, 2017
Attribution of changes in stream flow to land use change and climate change in a mesoscale tropical catchment in Java, Indonesia
H Marhaento, MJ Booij, AY Hoekstra
Hydrology Research 48 (4), 1143-1155, 2017
Refleksi 5 tahun paska erupsi gunung Merapi 2010: menaksir kerugian ekologis di kawasan Taman Nasional Gunung Merapi
H Marhaento, AN Kurnia
Geoplanning: Journal of Geomatics and Planning 2 (2), 69-81, 2015
Pengelolaan Kawasan Konservasi
Much. Taufik Tri Hermawan, LRW Faida, KF Wianti, H Marhaento, ...
Gadjah Mada University Press, 2014
Attributing changes in streamflow to land use and climate change for 472 catchments in Australia and the United States
MJ Booij, TC Schipper, H Marhaento
Water 11 (5), 1059, 2019
Quantifying relative contribution of land use change and climate change to streamflow alteration in the Bengawan Solo River, Indonesia
H Marhaento, MJ Booij, N Ahmed
Hydrological Sciences Journal 66 (6), 1059-1068, 2021
Attribution of changes in streamflow to climate change and land cover change in Yangtze River source region, China
N Ahmed, G Wang, H Lü, MJ Booij, H Marhaento, FA Prodhan, S Ali, ...
Water 14 (2), 259, 2022
Smallholder farmers’ perception on oil palm agroforestry
A Susanti, H Marhaento, DB Permadi, MA Imron, S Maimunah, D Susanto, ...
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 449 (1), 012056, 2020
Risiko kepunahan keanekaragaman hayati di taman nasional Gunung Merapi: Tinjauan spasial
H Marhaento, LRW Faida
Jurnal Ilmu Kehutanan 9 (2), 75-84, 2015
Sensitivity of streamflow characteristics to different spatial land-use configurations in tropical catchment
H Marhaento, MJ Booij, THM Rientjes, AY Hoekstra
Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management 145 (12), 04019054, 2019
Application of IKONOS Imagery for Estimating Population Exposure to Landslide Hazard in Banjarmangu Sub District, Central Java, Indonesia
N Rahardjo, H Marhaento
2018 4th International Conference on Science and Technology (ICST), 1-5, 2018
GIS-based analysis for assessing landslide and drought hazard in the corridor of mt. Merapi and mt. Merbabu national park, Indonesia
H Marhaento
Geoplanning: Journal of Geomatics and Planning 3 (1), 15-22, 2016
Oil palm agroforestry: an alternative to enhance farmers’ livelihood resilience
Budiadi, A Susanti, H Marhaento, M Ali Imron, DB Permadi, ...
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 336 (1), 012001, 2019
Adaptasi dan mitigasi bencana tanah longsor melalui penguatan kapasitas masyarakat dan peningkatan produktivitas lahan melalui sistem agroforestri
P Nugroho, SA Soedjoko, A Kusumandari, H Marhaento
Prosiding Seminar Nasional Agroforestri, 380-385, 2013
Innovative polygon trend analysis of monthly precipitation (1952–2015) in the Hindukush‐Karakoram‐Himalaya river basins of Pakistan
N Ahmed, H Lü, MJ Booij, G Wang, H Marhaento, MS Bhat, S Adnan
International journal of climatology 42 (16), 9967-9993, 2022
Impacts of forestation on the annual and seasonal water balance of a tropical catchment under climate change
H Marhaento, MJ Booij, N Rahardjo, N Ahmed
Forest Ecosystems 8, 1-16, 2021
Landslide hazard analysis using heuristic-statistic method in combination with multi temporal landslide data:: A Case study in Loano sub district, Purworejo district, Central …
Universitas Gadjah Mada, 2007
Smallholders’ Oil Palm Agroforestry: Barriers and Factors Influencing Adoption
A Susanti, H Marhaento, DB Permadi, B Budiadi, MA Imron, ...
Jurnal Ilmu Kehutanan 15 (1), 69-81, 2021
Combining Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) and Geographical Information System (GIS) for mapping habitat threat of mentilin (Cephalopachus bancanus)
N Isnaini, H Marhaento, SA Subrata
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 623 (1), 012044, 2021
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Articles 1–20