Aisha Patrice Siddiqui-Adams
Aisha Patrice Siddiqui-Adams
Columbus State University
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Cited by
Emotional perception: Meta-analyses of face and natural scene processing
D Sabatinelli, EE Fortune, Q Li, A Siddiqui, C Krafft, WT Oliver, S Beck, ...
Neuroimage 54 (3), 2524-2533, 2011
Investigating the role of emotion during the search process in free recall
AP Siddiqui, N Unsworth
Memory & cognition 39 (8), 1387-1400, 2011
Seeking the boundary of boundary extension
BA McDunn, AP Siddiqui, JM Brown
Psychonomic bulletin & review 21 (2), 370-375, 2014
An influence of extremal edges on boundary extension
RG Hale, JM Brown, BA McDunn, AP Siddiqui
Psychonomic bulletin & review 22 (4), 961-966, 2015
Disentangling boundary extension and normalization of view memory for scenes
BA McDunn, JM Brown, RG Hale, AP Siddiqui
Visual Cognition 24 (5-6), 356-368, 2016
Seeking the boundary for boundary extension
AP Siddiqui, B McDunn, JM Brown
Journal of Vision 12 (9), 1074-1074, 2012
The role of gist processing in boundary extension
AP Siddiqui
uga, 2013
The object advantage can be eliminated under equiluminant conditions
JM Brown, BA Guenther, S Narang, AP Siddiqui, NC Foley
Psychonomic bulletin & review 21 (6), 1459-1464, 2014
Processing images in a masked BE paradigm: Does emotion matter?
AP Siddiqui, B McDunn, JM Brown
Journal of Vision 13 (9), 1316-1316, 2013
Taking boundary extension to the extreme
R Hale, J Brown, B McDunn, A Siddiqui
Journal of Vision 13 (9), 1317-1317, 2013
Reducing expectations: Is an extension of current boundary extension theories needed?
A Siddiqui, J Brown, B Guenther, S Narang
Journal of Vision 11 (11), 1128-1128, 2011
Exploring the causes of object effects on location-based inhibition of return when using spatial frequency specific cues and targets
BA Guenther, S Narang, AP Siddiqui, JM Brown
Journal of Vision 9 (8), 226-226, 2009
Ramped Target Presentation Increases the Magnitude of Location-Based Inhibition of Return
BA Guenther, JM Brown, AP Siddiqui, S Narang
Journal of Vision 11 (11), 125-125, 2011
Studying object-based attention with a steady/pulsed-pedestal paradigm
BA Guenther, JM Brown, S Narang, AP Siddiqui
Journal of Vision 10 (7), 175-175, 2010
The time-course of covert cuing using spatial frequency targets
AP Siddiqui, S Narang, BA Guenther, JM Brown
Journal of Vision 9 (8), 232-232, 2009
Effect of spatial frequency adaptation on location-based inhibition of return as a function of target spatial frequency
AP Siddiqui
University of Georgia, 2009
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Articles 1–16