Alessio Celi
Alessio Celi
Associate Professor @ Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona;
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Synthetic gauge fields in synthetic dimensions
A Celi, P Massignan, J Ruseckas, N Goldman, IB Spielman, G Juzeliūnas, ...
Physical review letters 112 (4), 043001, 2014
Simulating Lattice Gauge Theories within Quantum Technologies
MC Bañuls, R Blatt, J Catani, A Celi, JI Cirac, M Dalmonte, L Fallani, ...
The European physical journal D, 74 165 (2020) (arXiv preprint arXiv:1911.00003), 2019
Non-abelian gauge fields and topological insulators in shaken optical lattices
P Hauke, O Tieleman, A Celi, C Ölschläger, J Simonet, J Struck, ...
Physical review letters 109 (14), 145301, 2012
Quantum simulation of an extra dimension
O Boada, A Celi, JI Latorre, M Lewenstein
Physical review letters 108 (13), 133001, 2012
Simulation of non-Abelian gauge theories with optical lattices
L Tagliacozzo, A Celi, P Orland, MW Mitchell, M Lewenstein
Nature Communications 4, 2615, 2013
Optical Abelian lattice gauge theories
L Tagliacozzo, A Celi, A Zamora, M Lewenstein
Annals of Physics 330, 160-191, 2013
Tensor networks for lattice gauge theories with continuous groups
L Tagliacozzo, A Celi, M Lewenstein
Physical Review X 4 (4), 041024, 2014
A resource efficient approach for quantum and classical simulations of gauge theories in particle physics
JF Haase, L Dellantonio, A Celi, D Paulson, A Kan, K Jansen, CA Muschik
Quantum 5, 393, 2021
Emerging Two-Dimensional Gauge Theories in Rydberg Configurable Arrays
A Celi, B Vermersch, O Viyuela, H Pichler, MD Lukin, P Zoller
Physical Review X 10 (2), 021057, 2020
Dirac equation for cold atoms in artificial curved spacetimes
O Boada, A Celi, JI Latorre, M Lewenstein
New Journal of Physics 13 (3), 035002, 2011
Simulating 2D Effects in Lattice Gauge Theories on a Quantum Computer
D Paulson, L Dellantonio, JF Haase, A Celi, A Kan, A Jena, C Kokail, ...
PRX Quantum 2 (3), 030334, 2021
Knotting fractional-order knots with the polarization state of light
E Pisanty, GJ Machado, V Vicuña-Hernández, A Picón, A Celi, JP Torres, ...
Nature Photonics 13 (8), 569-574, 2019
On the fakeness of fake supergravity
A Celi, A Ceresole, G Dall’Agata, A Van Proeyen, M Zagermann
Physical Review D 71 (4), 045009, 2005
Synthetic Unruh effect in cold atoms
J Rodríguez-Laguna, L Tarruell, M Lewenstein, A Celi
Physical Review A 95 (1), 013627, 2017
Quantum simulation of non-trivial topology
O Boada, A Celi, J Rodríguez-Laguna, JI Latorre, M Lewenstein
New Journal of Physics 17 (4), 045007, 2015
Non-analyticity of the Callan-Symanzik β-function of two-dimensional O (N) models
P Calabrese, M Caselle, A Celi, A Pelissetto, E Vicari
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General 33 (46), 8155, 2000
Realizing a 1D topological gauge theory in an optically dressed BEC
A Frölian, CS Chisholm, E Neri, CR Cabrera, R Ramos, A Celi, L Tarruell
Nature 608 (7922), 293-297, 2022
Simulating twistronics without a twist
T Salamon, A Celi, RW Chhajlany, I Frérot, M Lewenstein, L Tarruell, ...
Physical Review Letters 125 (3), 030504, 2020
Topological bound states of a quantum walk with cold atoms
S Mugel, A Celi, P Massignan, JK Asbóth, M Lewenstein, C Lobo
Physical Review A 94 (2), 023631, 2016
Synthetic magnetic fluxes and topological order in one-dimensional spin systems
T Graß, C Muschik, A Celi, RW Chhajlany, M Lewenstein
Physical Review A 91 (6), 063612, 2015
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Articles 1–20