Rahul Trivedi
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Cited by
4H-silicon-carbide-on-insulator for integrated quantum and nonlinear photonics
DM Lukin, C Dory, MA Guidry, KY Yang, SD Mishra, R Trivedi, ...
Nature Photonics 14 (5), 330-334, 2020
Low-contrast dielectric metasurface optics
A Zhan, S Colburn, R Trivedi, TK Fryett, CM Dodson, A Majumdar
ACS photonics 3 (2), 209-214, 2016
On-chip integrated laser-driven particle accelerator
NV Sapra, KY Yang, D Vercruysse, KJ Leedle, DS Black, RJ England, ...
Science 367 (6473), 79-83, 2020
Fully-automated optimization of grating couplers
L Su, R Trivedi, NV Sapra, AY Piggott, D Vercruysse, J Vučković
Optics express 26 (4), 4023-4034, 2018
Quantum optics of soliton microcombs
MA Guidry, DM Lukin, KY Yang, R Trivedi, J Vučković
Nature Photonics 16 (1), 52-58, 2022
Quantum dot single-photon sources with ultra-low multi-photon probability
L Hanschke, KA Fischer, S Appel, D Lukin, J Wierzbowski, S Sun, ...
npj Quantum Information 4 (1), 43, 2018
Analytical level set fabrication constraints for inverse design
D Vercruysse, NV Sapra, L Su, R Trivedi, J Vučković
Scientific reports 9 (1), 8999, 2019
Scattering into one-dimensional waveguides from a coherently-driven quantum-optical system
KA Fischer, R Trivedi, V Ramasesh, I Siddiqi, J Vučković
Quantum 2, 69, 2018
Photon blockade in weakly driven cavity quantum electrodynamics systems with many emitters
R Trivedi, M Radulaski, KA Fischer, S Fan, J Vučković
Physical review letters 122 (24), 243602, 2019
Generation of non‐classical light using semiconductor quantum dots
R Trivedi, KA Fischer, J Vučković, K Müller
Advanced Quantum Technologies 3 (1), 1900007, 2020
Crux of using the cascaded emission of a three-level quantum ladder system to generate indistinguishable photons
E Schöll, L Schweickert, L Hanschke, KD Zeuner, F Sbresny, T Lettner, ...
Physical Review Letters 125 (23), 233605, 2020
Photonic inverse design of on-chip microresonators
GH Ahn, KY Yang, R Trivedi, AD White, L Su, J Skarda, J Vučković
ACS Photonics 9 (6), 1875-1881, 2022
Spectrally reconfigurable quantum emitters enabled by optimized fast modulation
DM Lukin, AD White, R Trivedi, MA Guidry, N Morioka, C Babin, ...
npj Quantum Information 6 (1), 80, 2020
Few-photon scattering and emission from low-dimensional quantum systems
R Trivedi, K Fischer, S Xu, S Fan, J Vuckovic
Physical Review B 98 (14), 144112, 2018
Data-driven acceleration of photonic simulations
R Trivedi, L Su, J Lu, MF Schubert, J Vuckovic
Scientific reports 9 (1), 19728, 2019
Error propagation in nisq devices for solving classical optimization problems
G González-García*, R Trivedi*, JI Cirac
PRX Quantum 3 (4), 040326, 2022
Low-overhead distribution strategy for simulation and optimization of large-area metasurfaces
J Skarda*, R Trivedi*, L Su*, D Ahmad-Stein, H Kwon, S Han, S Fan, ...
npj Computational Materials 8 (1), 78, 2022
Quantum advantage and stability to errors in analogue quantum simulators
R Trivedi, A Franco Rubio, JI Cirac
Nature Communications 15 (1), 6507, 2024
Optical microscopy of soft matter systems
T Lee, B Senyuk, RP Trivedi, II Smalyukh
Fluids, Colloids and Soft Materials: An Introduction to Soft Matter Physics …, 2016
Bounds for scattering from absorptionless electromagnetic structures
R Trivedi, G Angeris, L Su, S Boyd, S Fan, J Vučković
Physical Review Applied 14 (1), 014025, 2020
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Articles 1–20