Yi-Ting Hsu
Yi-Ting Hsu
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Topological superconductivity in monolayer transition metal dichalcogenides
YT Hsu, A Vaezi, MH Fischer, EA Kim
Nature Communication 8, 14985, 2016
Higher-Order Topological Dirac Superconductors
RX Zhang, YT Hsu, SD Sarma
arXiv preprint arXiv:1909.07980, 2019
Inversion-protected topological crystalline superconductivity in monolayer WTe
YT Hsu, W Cole, RX Zhang, J Sau
Phys. Rev. Lett. 125, 097001, 2019
Machine learning many-body localization: Search for the elusive nonergodic metal
YT Hsu, X Li, DL Deng, S Das Sarma
Phys. Rev. Lett. 121, 245701, 2018
Spin-valley locked instabilities in moire transition metal dichalcogenides with conventional and higher-order Van Hove singularities
YT Hsu, F Wu, S Das Sarma
arXiv preprint arXiv: 2105.02415, 2021
Butterfly effect in interacting Aubry-Andre model: Thermalization, slow scrambling, and many-body localization
S Xu, X Li, YT Hsu, B Swingle, S Das Sarma
Physical Review Research 1 (3), 032039, 2019
Faithful derivation of symmetry indicators: A case study for topological superconductors with time-reversal and inversion symmetries
SJ Huang, YT Hsu
Physical Review Research 3 (1), 013243, 2021
Topological superconductivity, ferromagnetism, and valley-polarized phases in moiré systems: Renormalization group analysis for twisted double bilayer graphene
YT Hsu, F Wu, S Das Sarma
Physical Review B 102 (8), 085103, 2020
Manipulating superconductivity in ruthenates through Fermi surface engineering
YT Hsu, W Cho, AF Rebola, B Burganov, C Adamo, KM Shen, DG Schlom, ...
Physical Review B 94, 045118, 2016
Non-Hermitian skin effects on thermal and many-body localized phases
YC Wang, K Suthar, HH Jen, YT Hsu, JS You
Physical Review B 107 (22), L220205, 2023
Hybridization-induced interface states in a topological insulator-magnetic metal heterostructure
YT Hsu, K Park, EA Kim
Physical Review B 96, 235433, 2017
Interaction-induced ferroelectricity in the rotational states of polar molecules
CH Lin, YT Hsu, H Lee, DW Wang
Physical Review A 81, 031601(R), 2010
Possible superconductivity from incoherent carriers in overdoped cuprates
M Culo, C Duffy, J Ayres, M Berben, YT Hsu, RDH Hinlopen, B Bernáth, ...
SciPost physics 11 (1), 012, 2021
Observation of Coexisting Weak Localization and Superconducting Fluctuations in Strained Sn1–xInxTe Thin Films
J Wang, W Powers, Z Zhang, M Smith, BJ McIntosh, SK Bac, L Riney, ...
Nano Letters 22 (2), 792-800, 2022
Effects of surface-bulk hybridization in three-dimensional topological metals
YT Hsu, MH Fischer, TL Hughes, K Park, EA Kim
Physical Review B 89 (20), 205438, 2014
Compartmentalizing the cuprate strange metal
M Berben, J Ayres, C Duffy, RDH Hinlopen, YT Hsu, M Leroux, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:2203.04867, 2022
Topological invariants beyond symmetry indicators: Boundary diagnostics for twofold rotationally symmetric superconductors
Y Chen, SJ Huang, YT Hsu, TC Wei
Physical Review B 105 (9), 094518, 2022
Field-induced long-lived supermolecules
SJ Huang, YT Hsu, H Lee, YC Chen, AG Volosniev, NT Zinner, DW Wang
Physical Review A 85, 055601, 2012
Putative Hall response of the strange metal component in
M Čulo, M Berben, YT Hsu, J Ayres, RDH Hinlopen, S Kasahara, ...
Physical review research 3 (2), 023069, 2021
Superconductivity in a graphene system survives a strong magnetic field
YT Hsu
Nature 595 (7868), 495-496, 2021
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Articles 1–20