Mathieu Lajoie
Mathieu Lajoie
Bioinformatician, McGill University
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The artiodactyl APOBEC3 innate immune repertoire shows evidence for a multi-functional domain organization that existed in the ancestor of placental mammals
R LaRue, S Jónsson, K Silverstein, M Lajoie, D Bertrand, N El-Mabrouk, ...
BMC molecular biology 9 (1), 104, 2008
Ablation of adipocyte creatine transport impairs thermogenesis and causes diet-induced obesity
L Kazak, JF Rahbani, B Samborska, GZ Lu, MP Jedrychowski, M Lajoie, ...
Nature Metabolism, 1, 2019
Spatially mapping the immune landscape of melanoma using imaging mass cytometry
D Moldoveanu, LA Ramsay, M Lajoie, L Anderson-Trocme, M Lingrand, ...
Science Immunology 7 (70), eabi5072, 2022
Dual MAPK inhibition is an effective therapeutic strategy for a subset of class II BRAF mutant melanoma
M Dankner, M Lajoie, D Moldoveanu, TT Nguyen, P Savage, S Rajkumar, ...
Clinical Cancer Research, clincanres. 3384.2017, 2018
Mutations in the IFNγ-JAK-STAT pathway causing resistance to immune checkpoint inhibitors in melanoma increase sensitivity to oncolytic virus treatment
TT Nguyen, LA Ramsay, M Ahanfeshar-Adams, M Lajoie, D Schadendorf, ...
Clinical Cancer Research, 2021
A childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia-specific lncRNA implicated in prednisolone resistance, cell proliferation, and migration
M Ouimet, S Drouin, M Lajoie, M Caron, P St-Onge, R Gioia, C Richer, ...
Oncotarget 8 (5), 7477, 2017
Galvestine-1, a novel chemical probe for the study of the glycerolipid homeostasis system in plant cells
L Boudière, CY Botté, N Saidani, M Lajoie, J Marion, L Bréhélin, ...
Molecular BioSystems 8 (8), 2023-2035, 2012
Characterization of the microDNA through the response to chemotherapeutics in lymphoblastoid cell lines
P Mehanna, V Gagné, M Lajoie, JF Spinella, P St-Onge, D Sinnett, ...
PloS one 12 (9), e0184365, 2017
Dynamic neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio: a novel prognosis measure for triple-negative breast cancer
D Moldoveanu, V Pravongviengkham, G Best, C Martínez, T Hijal, ...
Annals of Surgical Oncology 27 (10), 4028-4034, 2020
Multi-omic analysis reveals significantly mutated genes and DDX3X as a sex-specific tumor suppressor in cutaneous melanoma
R Alkallas, M Lajoie, D Moldoveanu, KV Hoang, P Lefrançois, M Lingrand, ...
Nature Cancer 1 (6), 635-652, 2020
Duplication and inversion history of a tandemly repeated genes family
M Lajoie, D Bertrand, N El-Mabrouk, O Gascuel
Journal of Computational Biology 14 (4), 462-478, 2007
Promiscuous DNA-binding of a mutant zinc finger protein corrupts the transcriptome and diminishes cell viability
KR Gillinder, MD Ilsley, D Nébor, R Sachidanandam, M Lajoie, GW Magor, ...
Nucleic Acids Research, gkw1014, 2016
CLIC5: a novel ETV6 target gene in childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia
B Neveu, JF Spinella, C Richer, P Cassart, M Lajoie, S Jananji, S Drouin, ...
Haematologica, haematol. 2016.149740, 2016
Specific expression of novel long non-coding RNAs in high-hyperdiploid childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia
M Lajoie, S Drouin, M Caron, P St-Onge, M Ouimet, R Gioia, M Lafond, ...
PLoS ONE 12 (3), 2017
p66ShcA functions as a contextual promoter of breast cancer metastasis
K Lewis, A Kiepas, J Hudson, J Senecal, JR Ha, E Voorand, MG Annis, ...
Breast Cancer Research 22 (1), 1-19, 2020
Inferring ancestral gene orders for a family of tandemly arrayed genes
D Bertrand, M Lajoie, N El-Mabrouk
Journal of Computational Biology 15 (8), 1063-1077, 2008
Melanomas with concurrent BRAF non-p. V600 and NF1 loss-of-function mutations are targetable by BRAF/MEK inhibitor combination therapy
S Rajkumar, D Berry, KA Heney, C Strong, LA Ramsay, M Lajoie, ...
Cell Reports 39 (1), 110634, 2022
Inferring the evolutionary history of gene clusters from phylogenetic and gene order data
M Lajoie, D Bertrand, N El-Mabrouk
Molecular biology and evolution 27 (4), 761-772, 2010
Computational discovery of regulatory elements in a continuous expression space
M Lajoie, O Gascuel, V Lefort, L Bréhélin
Genome biology 13 (11), R109, 2012
Recurrent somatic BRAF insertion (p. V504_R506dup): a tumor marker and a potential therapeutic target in pilocytic astrocytoma
F Khater, S Langlois, P Cassart, AM Roy, M Lajoie, J Healy, C Richer, ...
Oncogene, 1, 2018
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Articles 1–20