Eva Weig (née Höhberger)
Eva Weig (née Höhberger)
Chair of Nano & Quantum Sensors, Technical University of Munich
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Cited by
Generation of Fock states in a superconducting quantum circuit
M Hofheinz, EM Weig, M Ansmann, RC Bialczak, E Lucero, M Neeley, ...
Nature 454 (7202), 310-314, 2008
Measurement of the entanglement of two superconducting qubits via state tomography
M Steffen, M Ansmann, RC Bialczak, N Katz, E Lucero, R McDermott, ...
Science 313 (5792), 1423-1425, 2006
Near-field cavity optomechanics with nanomechanical oscillators
G Anetsberger, O Arcizet, QP Unterreithmeier, R Rivière, A Schliesser, ...
Nature Physics 5 (12), 909-914, 2009
Microwave dielectric loss at single photon energies and millikelvin temperatures
AD O’Connell, M Ansmann, RC Bialczak, M Hofheinz, N Katz, E Lucero, ...
Applied Physics Letters 92 (11), 2008
Universal transduction scheme for nanomechanical systems based on dielectric forces
QP Unterreithmeier, EM Weig, JP Kotthaus
Nature 458 (7241), 1001-1004, 2009
State tomography of capacitively shunted phase qubits with high fidelity
M Steffen, M Ansmann, R McDermott, N Katz, RC Bialczak, E Lucero, ...
Physical Review Letters 97 (5), 050502, 2006
Optomechanics for quantum technologies
S Barzanjeh, A Xuereb, S Gröblacher, M Paternostro, CA Regal, EM Weig
Nature Physics 18 (1), 15-24, 2022
Electrical characterization of electrochemically grown single copper nanowires
ME Toimil Molares, EM Höhberger, C Schaeflein, RH Blick, R Neumann, ...
Applied Physics Letters 82 (13), 2139-2141, 2003
Coherent control of a classical nanomechanical two-level system
T Faust, J Rieger, MJ Seitner, JP Kotthaus, EM Weig
Nature Physics 9 (8), 485-488, 2013
Coherent state evolution in a superconducting qubit from partial-collapse measurement
N Katz, M Ansmann, RC Bialczak, E Lucero, R McDermott, M Neeley, ...
science 312 (5779), 1498-1500, 2006
Single-electron-phonon interaction in a suspended quantum dot phonon cavity
EM Weig, RH Blick, T Brandes, J Kirschbaum, W Wegscheider, M Bichler, ...
Physical review letters 92 (4), 046804, 2004
Nanophononics: state of the art and perspectives
S Volz, J Ordonez-Miranda, A Shchepetov, M Prunnila, J Ahopelto, ...
The European Physical Journal B 89, 1-20, 2016
Measuring nanomechanical motion with an imprecision below the standard quantum limit
G Anetsberger, E Gavartin, O Arcizet, QP Unterreithmeier, EM Weig, ...
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 82 (6), 061804, 2010
Nonadiabatic dynamics of two strongly coupled nanomechanical resonator modes
T Faust, J Rieger, MJ Seitner, P Krenn, JP Kotthaus, EM Weig
Physical review letters 109 (3), 037205, 2012
Microwave cavity-enhanced transduction for plug and play nanomechanics at room temperature
T Faust, P Krenn, S Manus, JP Kotthaus, EM Weig
Nature communications 3 (1), 728, 2012
Fluctuating nanomechanical system in a high finesse optical microcavity
I Favero, S Stapfner, D Hunger, P Paulitschke, J Reichel, H Lorenz, ...
Optics express 17 (15), 12813-12820, 2009
Nanostructured silicon for studying fundamental aspects of nanomechanics
RH Blick, A Erbe, L Pescini, A Kraus, DV Scheible, FW Beil, E Höhberger, ...
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 14 (34), R905, 2002
Cavity-enhanced optical detection of carbon nanotube Brownian motion
S Stapfner, L Ost, D Hunger, J Reichel, I Favero, EM Weig
Applied Physics Letters 102 (15), 2013
Ultrasonically driven nanomechanical single-electron shuttle
DR Koenig, EM Weig, JP Kotthaus
Nature Nanotechnology 3 (8), 482-485, 2008
Frequency and Q factor control of nanomechanical resonators
J Rieger, T Faust, MJ Seitner, JP Kotthaus, EM Weig
Applied Physics Letters 101 (10), 2012
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Articles 1–20