Cheng LIAN
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Cited by
Size-dependent activity and selectivity of carbon dioxide photocatalytic reduction over platinum nanoparticles
C Dong, C Lian, S Hu, Z Deng, J Gong, M Li, H Liu, M Xing, J Zhang
Nature communications 9 (1), 1252, 2018
Constructing an Acidic Microenvironment by MoS2 in Heterogeneous Fenton Reaction for Pollutant Control
Q Yan, C Lian, K Huang, L Liang, H Yu, P Yin, J Zhang, M Xing
Angewandte Chemie, 2021
Atomically-thin Bi2MoO6 nanosheets with vacancy pairs for improved photocatalytic CO2 reduction
J Di, X Zhao, C Lian, M Ji, J Xia, J Xiong, W Zhou, X Cao, Y She, H Liu, ...
Nano Energy 61, 54-59, 2019
Computational insights into materials and interfaces for capacitive energy storage
C Zhan, C Lian, Y Zhang, MW Thompson, Y Xie, J Wu, PRC Kent, ...
Advanced Science 4 (7), 1700059, 2017
Dynamically Formed Surfactant Assembly at the Electrified Electrode–Electrolyte Interface Boosting CO2 Electroreduction
W Ge, Y Chen, Y Fan, Y Zhu, H Liu, L Song, Z Liu, C Lian, H Jiang, C Li
Journal of the American Chemical Society 144 (14), 6613-6622, 2022
Engineering the Local Microenvironment over Bi Nanosheets for Highly Selective Electrocatalytic Conversion of CO2 to HCOOH in Strong Acid
Y Qiao, W Lai, K Huang, T Yu, Q Wang, L Gao, Z Yang, Z Ma, T Sun, M Liu, ...
ACS catalysis 12 (4), 2357-2364, 2022
Enhancing the capacitive performance of electric double-layer capacitors with ionic liquid mixtures
C Lian, K Liu, KL Van Aken, Y Gogotsi, DJ Wesolowski, HL Liu, DE Jiang, ...
ACS Energy Letters 1 (1), 21-26, 2016
Generating High‐valent Iron‐oxo ≡FeIV=O Complexes in Neutral Microenvironments through Peroxymonosulfate Activation by Zn−Fe Layered Double Hydroxides
Y Bao, C Lian, K Huang, H Yu, W Liu, J Zhang, M Xing
Angewandte Chemie 134 (42), e202209542, 2022
CO2 electroreduction to multicarbon products in strongly acidic electrolyte via synergistically modulating the local microenvironment
Z Ma, Z Yang, W Lai, Q Wang, Y Qiao, H Tao, C Lian, M Liu, C Ma, A Pan, ...
Nature Communications 13 (1), 7596, 2022
Regulation of functional groups on graphene quantum dots directs selective CO2 to CH4 conversion
T Zhang, W Li, K Huang, H Guo, Z Li, Y Fang, RM Yadav, V Shanov, ...
Nature communications 12 (1), 5265, 2021
Interfacial charge polarization in Co2P2O7@ N, P co-doped carbon nanocages as Mott-Schottky electrocatalysts for accelerating oxygen evolution reaction
D Liang, C Lian, Q Xu, M Liu, H Liu, H Jiang, C Li
Applied Catalysis B: Environmental 268, 118417, 2020
Study on the adsorption performance and competitive mechanism for heavy metal contaminants removal using novel multi-pore activated carbons derived from recyclable long-root …
F Cao, C Lian, J Yu, H Yang, S Lin
Bioresource technology 276, 211-218, 2019
All-visible-light-activated dithienylethenes induced by intramolecular proton transfer
H Xi, Z Zhang, W Zhang, M Li, C Lian, Q Luo, H Tian, WH Zhu
Journal of the American Chemical Society 141 (46), 18467-18474, 2019
Hunting ionic liquids with large electrochemical potential windows
C Lian, H Liu, C Li, J Wu
AIChE Journal 65 (2), 804-810, 2019
Blessing and curse: How a supercapacitor’s large capacitance causes its slow charging
C Lian, M Janssen, H Liu, R van Roij
Physical Review Letters 124 (7), 076001, 2020
Carboxylated carbon quantum dot-induced binary metal–organic framework nanosheet synthesis to boost the electrocatalytic performance
D Song, H Guo, K Huang, H Zhang, J Chen, L Wang, C Lian, Y Wang
Materials Today 54, 42-51, 2022
A generic model for electric double layers in porous electrodes
C Lian, D Jiang, H Liu, J Wu
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 120 (16), 8704-8710, 2016
Dissipative particle dynamics study of the water/benzene/caprolactam system in the absence or presence of non-ionic surfactants
K Shi, C Lian, Z Bai, S Zhao, H Liu
Chemical Engineering Science 122, 185-196, 2015
In situ ratiometric quantitative tracing of intracellular leucine aminopeptidase activity via an activatable near-infrared fluorescent probe
K Gu, Y Liu, Z Guo, C Lian, C Yan, P Shi, H Tian, WH Zhu
ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 8 (40), 26622-26629, 2016
Predicting the capacitance of carbon-based electric double layer capacitors by machine learning
H Su, S Lin, S Deng, C Lian, Y Shang, H Liu
Nanoscale Advances 1 (6), 2162-2166, 2019
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