Roberto Ardon
Roberto Ardon
Incepto Medical
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Cited by
Automatic detection and segmentation of kidneys in 3D CT images using random forests
R Cuingnet, R Prevost, D Lesage, LD Cohen, B Mory, R Ardon
International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted …, 2012
Quantitative and volumetric European Association for the Study of the Liver and Response Evaluation Criteria in Solid Tumors measurements: feasibility of a semiautomated …
MD Lin, O Pellerin, N Bhagat, PP Rao, R Loffroy, R Ardon, B Mory, ...
Journal of Vascular and Interventional Radiology 23 (12), 1629-1637, 2012
Fuzzy region competition: A convex two-phase segmentation framework
B Mory, R Ardon
International Conference on Scale Space and Variational Methods in Computer …, 2007
Variational segmentation using fuzzy region competition and local non-parametric probability density functions
B Mory, R Ardon, JP Thiran
2007 IEEE 11th International Conference on Computer Vision, 1-8, 2007
Imaging biomarkers of tumor response in neuroendocrine liver metastases treated with transarterial chemoembolization: can enhancing tumor burden of the whole liver help predict …
S Sahu, R Schernthaner, R Ardon, J Chapiro, Y Zhao, JH Sohn, ...
Radiology 283 (3), 883-894, 2017
Semiautomatic volumetric tumor segmentation for hepatocellular carcinoma: comparison between C-arm cone beam computed tomography and MRI
V Tacher, MD Lin, M Chao, L Gjesteby, N Bhagat, A Mahammedi, R Ardon, ...
Academic radiology 20 (4), 446-452, 2013
Meniscal lesion detection and characterization in adult knee MRI: a deep learning model approach with external validation
B Rizk, H Brat, P Zille, R Guillin, C Pouchy, C Adam, R Ardon, ...
Physica Medica 83, 64-71, 2021
Fast constrained surface extraction by minimal paths
R Ardon, LD Cohen
International Journal of Computer Vision 69, 127-136, 2006
Pre-surgical and post-surgical aortic aneurysm maximum diameter measurement: full automation by artificial intelligence
C Adam, D Fabre, J Mougin, M Zins, A Azarine, R Ardon, G d’Assignies, ...
European Journal of Vascular and Endovascular Surgery 62 (6), 869-877, 2021
Hyperparameter optimization of deep neural networks: Combining hyperband with Bayesian model selection
H Bertrand, R Ardon, M Perrot, I Bloch
Conférence sur l’Apprentissage Automatique, 2017
Comparison of semi-automatic volumetric VX2 hepatic tumor segmentation from cone beam CT and multi-detector CT with histology in rabbit models
O Pellerin, MD Lin, N Bhagat, R Ardon, B Mory, JF Geschwind
Academic radiology 20 (1), 115-121, 2013
Three-dimensional ultrasound improves the accuracy of diameter measurement of the residual sac in EVAR patients
K Bredahl, M Taudorf, A Long, L Lönn, L Rouet, R Ardon, H Sillesen, ...
European Journal of Vascular and Endovascular Surgery 46 (5), 525-532, 2013
Abdominal aortic aneurysm imaging with 3-D ultrasound: 3-D-based maximum diameter measurement and volume quantification
A Long, L Rouet, A Debreuve, R Ardon, C Barbe, JP Becquemin, E Allaire
Ultrasound in medicine & biology 39 (8), 1325-1336, 2013
Three-dimensional ultrasound evaluation of small asymptomatic abdominal aortic aneurysms
K Bredahl, B Sandholt, L Lönn, L Rouet, R Ardon, JP Eiberg, H Sillesen
European Journal of Vascular and Endovascular Surgery 49 (3), 289-296, 2015
Volume estimation of the aortic sac after EVAR using 3-D ultrasound–a novel, accurate and promising technique
K Bredahl, A Long, M Taudorf, L Lönn, L Rouet, R Ardon, H Sillesen, ...
European Journal of Vascular and Endovascular Surgery 45 (5), 450-455, 2013
Non-Euclidean image-adaptive radial basis functions for 3D interactive segmentation
B Mory, R Ardon, AJ Yezzi, JP Thiran
2009 IEEE 12th International Conference on Computer Vision, 787-794, 2009
Fast kidney detection and segmentation with learned kernel convolution and model deformation in 3D ultrasound images
R Ardon, R Cuingnet, K Bacchuwar, V Auvray
2015 IEEE 12th International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI), 268-271, 2015
Real-time 3D image segmentation by user-constrained template deformation
B Mory, O Somphone, R Prevost, R Ardon
International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted …, 2012
Fast myocardial motion and strain estimation in 3D cardiac ultrasound with sparse demons
O Somphone, M De Craene, R Ardon, B Mory, P Allain, H Gao, J d'Hooge, ...
2013 IEEE 10th international symposium on biomedical imaging, 1182-1185, 2013
Kidney detection and real-time segmentation in 3D contrast-enhanced ultrasound images
R Prevost, B Mory, JM Correas, LD Cohen, R Ardon
2012 9th IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI), 1559-1562, 2012
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Articles 1–20