Torsten Zesch
Torsten Zesch
Professor of Computational Linguistics, Fernuniversität in Hagen
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Extracting lexical semantic knowledge from Wikipedia and Wiktionary
T Zesch, C Müller, I Gurevych
Proceedings of the Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC) 15, 60, 2008
UKP: Computing Semantic Textual Similarity by Combining Multiple Content Similarity Measures
D Bär, C Biemann, I Gurevych, T Zesch
Proceedings of the 6th International Workshop on Semantic Evaluation, held …, 2012
Analysis of the Wikipedia category graph for NLP applications
T Zesch, I Gurevych
Proceedings of the TextGraphs-2 Workshop (NAACL-HLT 2007), 1-8, 2007
Using wiktionary for computing semantic relatedness
T Zesch, C Müller, I Gurevych
Proceedings of AAAI 2008, 45, 2008
Investigating neural architectures for short answer scoring
B Riordan, A Horbach, A Cahill, T Zesch, CM Lee
Proceedings of the 12th Workshop on Innovative Use of NLP for Building …, 2017
Wisdom of crowds versus wisdom of linguists–measuring the semantic relatedness of words
T Zesch, I Gurevych
Natural Language Engineering 16 (1), 25, 2010
Analyzing and accessing Wikipedia as a lexical semantic resource
T Zesch, I Gurevych, M Mühlhäuser
Data Structures for Linguistic Resources and Applications, 197-205, 2007
DKPro Similarity: An Open Source Framework for Text Similarity
D Bär, T Zesch, I Gurevych
Proceedings of the 51st Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational …, 2013
Automatically creating datasets for measures of semantic relatedness
T Zesch, I Gurevych
Proceedings of the Workshop on Linguistic Distances, 16-24, 2006
Approximate matching for evaluating keyphrase extraction
T Zesch, I Gurevych
Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Recent Advances in …, 2009
Task-Independent Features for Automated Essay Grading
T Zesch, M Wojatzki, D Scholten-Akoun
Proceedings of the Tenth Workshop on Innovative Use of NLP for Building …, 2015
Text reuse detection using a composition of text similarity measures
D Bär, T Zesch, I Gurevych
Proceedings of COLING 2012, 167-184, 2012
Using Distributional Similarity for Lexical Expansion in Knowledge-based Word Sense Disambiguation.
T Miller, C Biemann, T Zesch, I Gurevych
COLING, 1781-1796, 2012
Wikipedia Revision Toolkit: Efficiently Accessing Wikipedia’s Edit History
O Ferschke, T Zesch, I Gurevych
Proceedings of the 49th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational …, 2011
Germeval 2017: Shared task on aspect-based sentiment in social media customer feedback
M Wojatzki, E Ruppert, S Holschneider, T Zesch, C Biemann
Shared Task on Aspect-based Sentiment in Social Media Customer Feedback, 1, 2017
Predicting the Difficulty of Language Proficiency Tests
L Beinborn, T Zesch, I Gurevych
Transactions of the Association for Computational Linguistics 2, 517-529, 2014
Scalable construction of high-quality web corpora
C Biemann, F Bildhauer, S Evert, D Goldhahn, U Quasthoff, R Schäfer, ...
Journal for Language Technology and Computational Linguistics 28 (2), 23-60, 2013
Darmstadt Knowledge Processing Repository Based on UIMA
I Gurevych, M Mühlhäuser, C Müller, J Steimle, M Weimer, T Zesch
Proceedings of the First Workshop on Unstructured Information Management …, 2007
SemEval-2013 task 5: Evaluating phrasal semantics
I Korkontzelos, T Zesch, FM Zanzotto, C Biemann
Proceedings of the 7th International Workshop on Semantic Evaluation …, 2013
DKPro TC: A Java-based Framework for Supervised Learning Experiments on Textual Data.
J Daxenberger, O Ferschke, I Gurevych, T Zesch
ACL (System Demonstrations), 61-66, 2014
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Articles 1–20