Jessica Gurevitch
Jessica Gurevitch
Professor, Department of Ecology and Evolution, Stony Brook University
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The meta‐analysis of response ratios in experimental ecology
LV Hedges, J Gurevitch, PS Curtis
Ecology 80 (4), 1150-1156, 1999
A meta-analysis of the response of soil respiration, net nitrogen mineralization, and aboveground plant growth to experimental ecosystem warming
L Rustad, J Campbell, G Marion, R Norby, M Mitchell, A Hartley, ...
Oecologia 126, 543-562, 2001
MetaWin: statistical software for meta-analysis with resampling tests.
MS Rosenberg, DC Adams, J Gurevitch
Sinauer Associates, 1997
Design and analysis of ecological experiments
SM Scheiner, J Gurevitch
Oxford University Press, 2001
Are invasive species a major cause of extinctions?
J Gurevitch, DK Padilla
Trends in ecology & evolution 19 (9), 470-474, 2004
Meta-analysis and the science of research synthesis
J Gurevitch, J Koricheva, S Nakagawa, G Stewart
Nature 555 (7695), 175-182, 2018
Jack of all trades, master of some? On the role of phenotypic plasticity in plant invasions
CL Richards, O Bossdorf, NZ Muth, J Gurevitch, M Pigliucci
Ecology letters 9 (8), 981-993, 2006
Handbook of meta-analysis in ecology and evolution
J Koricheva, J Gurevitch, K Mengersen
Princeton University Press, 2013
Statistical issues in ecological meta‐analyses
J Gurevitch, LV Hedges
Ecology 80 (4), 1142-1149, 1999
Responses of tundra plants to experimental warming: meta‐analysis of the international tundra experiment
AM Arft, MD Walker, J Gurevitch, JM Alatalo, MS Bret-Harte, M Dale, ...
Ecological monographs 69 (4), 491-511, 1999
Global Warming and Terrestrial Ecosystems: A Conceptual Framework for Analysis: Ecosystem responses to global warming will be complex and varied. Ecosystem warming experiments …
GR Shaver, J Canadell, FS Chapin, J Gurevitch, J Harte, G Henry, ...
Bioscience 50 (10), 871-882, 2000
A meta-analysis of competition in field experiments
J Gurevitch, LL Morrow, A Wallace, JS Walsh
The American Naturalist 140 (4), 539-572, 1992
The ecology of plants
J Gurevitch, SM Scheiner, GA Fox
Sinauer Associates, 2002
The consequences of spatial structure for the design and analysis of ecological field surveys
P Legendre, MRT Dale, MJ Fortin, J Gurevitch, M Hohn, D Myers
Ecography 25 (5), 601-615, 2002
Resampling tests for meta‐analysis of ecological data
DC Adams, J Gurevitch, MS Rosenberg
Ecology 78 (4), 1277-1283, 1997
Responses of insect pests, pathogens, and invasive plant species to climate change in the forests of northeastern North America: what can we predict?
JS Dukes, J Pontius, D Orwig, JR Garnas, VL Rodgers, N Brazee, ...
Canadian journal of forest research 39 (2), 231-248, 2009
Empirical approaches to quantifying interaction intensity: competition and facilitation along productivity gradients
DE Goldberg, T Rajaniemi, J Gurevitch, A Stewart-Oaten
Ecology 80 (4), 1118-1131, 1999
The interaction between competition and predation: a meta-analysis of field experiments
J Gurevitch, JA Morrison, LV Hedges
The American Naturalist 155 (4), 435-453, 2000
Meta-analysis in ecology
J Gurevitch, PS Curtis, MH Jones
Academic Press 32, 199-247, 2001
Preferred reporting items for systematic reviews and meta‐analyses in ecology and evolutionary biology: a PRISMA extension
RE O'Dea, M Lagisz, MD Jennions, J Koricheva, DWA Noble, TH Parker, ...
Biological Reviews 96 (5), 1695-1722, 2021
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Articles 1–20