Guido L.B. Wiesenberg
Guido L.B. Wiesenberg
PD Dr. rer. nat., University of Zurich, Department of Geography
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How relevant is recalcitrance for the stabilization of organic matter in soils?
B Marschner, S Brodowski, A Dreves, G Gleixner, A Gude, PM Grootes, ...
Journal of plant nutrition and soil science 171 (1), 91-110, 2008
Nutrient acquisition from arable subsoils in temperate climates: A review
T Kautz, W Amelung, F Ewert, T Gaiser, R Horn, R Jahn, M Javaux, ...
Soil Biology and Biochemistry 57, 1003-1022, 2013
Aromaticity and degree of aromatic condensation of char
DB Wiedemeier, S Abiven, WC Hockaday, M Keiluweit, M Kleber, ...
Organic Geochemistry 78, 135-143, 2015
Source and turnover of organic matter in agricultural soils derived from n-alkane/n-carboxylic acid compositions and C-isotope signatures
GLB Wiesenberg, J Schwarzbauer, MWI Schmidt, L Schwark
Organic Geochemistry 35 (11-12), 1371-1393, 2004
Carbon isotopic composition of branched tetraether membrane lipids in soils suggest a rapid turnover and a heterotrophic life style of their source organism (s)
JWH Weijers, GLB Wiesenberg, R Bol, EC Hopmans, RD Pancost
Biogeosciences 7 (9), 2959-2973, 2010
Reconstructing Quaternary vegetation history in the Carpathian Basin, SE-Europe, using n-alkane biomarkers as molecular fossils: problems and possible solutions, potential and …
M Zech, B Buggle, K Leiber, S Marković, B Glaser, U Hambach, B Huwe, ...
E&G Quaternary Science Journal 58 (2), 148-155, 2010
Storage and stability of organic matter and fossil carbon in a Luvisol and Phaeozem with continuous maize cropping: A synthesis
H Flessa, W Amelung, M Helfrich, GLB Wiesenberg, G Gleixner, ...
Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science 171 (1), 36-51, 2008
Source determination of lipids in bulk soil and soil density fractions after four years of wheat cropping
GLB Wiesenberg, M Dorodnikov, Y Kuzyakov
Geoderma 156 (3-4), 267-277, 2010
Short-chain n-alkanes (C16–20) in ancient soil are useful molecular markers for prehistoric biomass burning
E Eckmeier, GLB Wiesenberg
Journal of Archaeological Science 36 (7), 1590-1596, 2009
Towards reconstruction of past fire regimes from geochemical analysis of charcoal
M Wolf, E Lehndorff, GLB Wiesenberg, M Stockhausen, L Schwark, ...
Organic Geochemistry 55, 11-21, 2013
Thermal degradation of rye and maize straw: lipid pattern changes as a function of temperature
GLB Wiesenberg, E Lehndorff, L Schwark
Organic Geochemistry 40 (2), 167-174, 2009
Carbonate rhizoliths in loess and their implications for paleoenvironmental reconstruction revealed by isotopic composition: δ13C, 14C
M Gocke, K Pustovoytov, P Kühn, GLB Wiesenberg, M Löscher, ...
Chemical Geology 283 (3-4), 251-260, 2011
Cold hardiness of Pinus nigra Arnold as influenced by geographic origin, warming, and extreme summer drought
J Kreyling, GLB Wiesenberg, D Thiel, C Wohlfart, G Huber, J Walter, ...
Environmental and Experimental Botany 78, 99-108, 2012
Combined quantification of faecal sterols, stanols, stanones and bile acids in soils and terrestrial sediments by gas chromatography–mass spectrometry
JJ Birk, M Dippold, GLB Wiesenberg, B Glaser
Journal of Chromatography A 1242, 1-10, 2012
Improved automated extraction and separation procedure for soil lipid analyses
GLB Wiesenberg, L Schwark, MWI Schmidt
European Journal of Soil Science 55 (2), 349-356, 2004
Is there a possibility to correct fossil n-alkane data for postsedimentary alteration effects?
B Buggle, GLB Wiesenberg, B Glaser
Applied Geochemistry 25 (7), 947-957, 2010
C and N in soil organic matter density fractions under elevated atmospheric CO2: turnover vs. stabilization
M Dorodnikov, Y Kuzyakov, A Fangmeier, GLB Wiesenberg
Soil Biology and Biochemistry 43 (3), 579-589, 2011
Opportunities and limitations related to the application of plant-derived lipid molecular proxies in soil science
B Jansen, GLB Wiesenberg
Soil 3 (4), 211-234, 2017
Complexity of soil organic matter: AMS 14C analysis of soil lipid fractions and individual compounds
J Rethemeyer, C Kramer, G Gleixner, GLB Wiesenberg, L Schwark, ...
Radiocarbon 46 (1), 465-473, 2004
Pyrogenic molecular markers: Linking PAH with BPCA analysis
DB Wiedemeier, S Brodowski, GLB Wiesenberg
Chemosphere 119, 432-437, 2015
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Articles 1–20