Rudolf P. Rohr
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Cited by
On the structural stability of mutualistic systems
RP Rohr, S Saavedra, J Bascompte
Science 345 (6195), 1253497, 2014
Ecophylogenetics: advances and perspectives
N Mouquet, V Devictor, CN Meynard, F Munoz, LF Bersier, J Chave, ...
Biological Reviews 87, 769–785, 2012
A structural approach for understanding multispecies coexistence
S Saavedra, RP Rohr, J Bascompte, O Godoy, NJB Kraft, JM Levine
Ecological Monographs, 2017
Comparing species interaction networks along environmental gradients
L Pellissier, C Albouy, J Bascompte, N Farwig, C Graham, M Loreau, ...
Biological Reviews 93 (2), 785-800, 2018
Alien plant species with a wider global distribution are better able to capitalize on increased resource availability
W Dawson, RP Rohr, M van Kleunen, M Fischer
New Phytologist 194, 859-867, 2012
Towards the integration of niche and network theories
O Godoy, I Bartomeus, RP Rohr, S Saavedra
Trends in ecology & evolution 33 (4), 287-300, 2018
Determinants of plant establishment success in a multispecies introduction experiment with native and alien species
A Kempel, T Chrobock, M Fischer, RP Rohr, M van Kleunen
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 110 (31), 12727-12732, 2013
Why are some plant–pollinator networks more nested than others?
C Song, RP Rohr, S Saavedra
Journal of Animal Ecology 86 (6), 1417-1424, 2017
Modeling food webs: exploring unexplained structure using latent traits
RP Rohr, H Scherer, P Kehrli, C Mazza, LF Bersier
The American Naturalist 176 (2), 170-177, 2010
The importance of landscape and spatial structure for hymenopteran‐based food webs in an agro‐ecosystem
Y Fabian, N Sandau, OT Bruggisser, A Aebi, P Kehrli, RP Rohr, ...
Journal of Animal Ecology 82 (6), 1203-1214, 2013
Selection on stability across ecological scales
JJ Borrelli, S Allesina, P Amarasekare, R Arditi, I Chase, J Damuth, ...
Trends in ecology & evolution 30 (7), 417-425, 2015
A guideline to study the feasibility domain of multi-trophic and changing ecological communities
C Song, RP Rohr, S Saavedra
Journal of Theoretical Biology 450, 30-36, 2018
Phylogeny versus body size as determinants of food web structure
RE Naisbit, RP Rohr, AG Rossberg, P Kehrli, LF Bersier
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 279 (1741), 3291-3297, 2012
Nested species interactions promote feasibility over stability during the assembly of a pollinator community
S Saavedra, RP Rohr, JM Olesen, J Bascompte
Ecology and evolution 6 (4), 997-1007, 2016
Anthropogenic disturbance as a driver of microspatial and microhabitat segregation of cytotypes of Centaurea stoebe and cytotype interactions in secondary contact zones
P Mráz, S Španiel, A Keller, G Bowmann, A Farkas, B Šingliarová, ...
Annals of Botany 110 (3), 615-627, 2012
Multilayered Control of Protein Turnover by TORC1 and Atg1
Z Hu, S Raucci, M Jaquenoud, R Hatakeyama, M Stumpe, R Rohr, ...
Cell reports 28 (13), 3486-3496. e6, 2019
Combining food web and species distribution models for improved community projections
L Pellissier, RP Rohr, C Ndiribe, JN Pradervand, N Salamin, A Guisan, ...
Ecology and Evolution 3 (13), 4572-4583, 2013
Persist or produce: A community trade-off tuned by species evenness
RP Rohr, S Saavedra, G Peralta, CM Frost, LF Bersier, J Bascompte, ...
The American Naturalist 188 (4), 411-422, 2016
Towards a probabilistic understanding about the context-dependency of species interactions
C Song, S Von Ahn, RP Rohr, S Saavedra
Trends in Ecology & Evolution 35 (5), 384-396, 2020
Explaining the variation in impacts of non‐native plants on local‐scale species richness: the role of phylogenetic relatedness
M Vilŕ, RP Rohr, JL Espinar, PE Hulme, J Pergl, JJ Le Roux, U Schaffner, ...
Global Ecology and Biogeography 24 (2), 139-146, 2015
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Articles 1–20