Vijay Devabhaktuni
Vijay Devabhaktuni
Other namesV Devabhaktuni, VK Devabhaktuni, Vijaya Kumar Devabhaktuni
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Cited by
U-net and its variants for medical image segmentation: A review of theory and applications
N Siddique, S Paheding, CP Elkin, V Devabhaktuni
IEEE access 9, 82031-82057, 2021
Artificial neural networks for RF and microwave design-from theory to practice
QJ Zhang, KC Gupta, VK Devabhaktuni
IEEE transactions on microwave theory and techniques 51 (4), 1339-1350, 2003
Smart meters for power grid—Challenges, issues, advantages and status
SSSR Depuru, L Wang, V Devabhaktuni, N Gudi
2011 IEEE/PES Power Systems Conference and Exposition, 1-7, 2011
Wind energy: Trends and enabling technologies
Y Kumar, J Ringenberg, SS Depuru, VK Devabhaktuni, JW Lee, ...
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 53, 209-224, 2016
Solar energy: Trends and enabling technologies
V Devabhaktuni, M Alam, SSSR Depuru, RC Green II, D Nims, C Near
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 19, 555-564, 2013
Cyber security threat analysis and modeling of an unmanned aerial vehicle system
AY Javaid, W Sun, VK Devabhaktuni, M Alam
2012 IEEE conference on technologies for homeland security (HST), 585-590, 2012
Electricity theft: Overview, issues, prevention and a smart meter based approach to control theft
SSSR Depuru, L Wang, V Devabhaktuni
Energy policy 39 (2), 1007-1015, 2011
Wireless sensor network simulators a survey and comparisons
H Sundani, H Li, V Devabhaktuni, M Alam, P Bhattacharya
International Journal of Computer Networks 2 (5), 249-265, 2011
A robust algorithm for automatic development of neural-network models for microwave applications
VK Devabhaktuni, MCE Yagoub, QJ Zhang
IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques 49 (12), 2282-2291, 2001
Advances on localization techniques for wireless sensor networks: A survey
TJS Chowdhury, C Elkin, V Devabhaktuni, DB Rawat, J Oluoch
Computer Networks 110, 284-305, 2016
Advanced microwave modeling framework exploiting automatic model generation, knowledge neural networks, and space mapping
VK Devabhaktuni, B Chattaraj, MCE Yagoub, QJ Zhang
IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques 51 (7), 1822-1833, 2003
A demand side management based simulation platform incorporating heuristic optimization for management of household appliances
N Gudi, L Wang, V Devabhaktuni
International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems 43 (1), 185-193, 2012
Detection of GPS spoofing attacks on unmanned aerial systems
MR Manesh, J Kenney, WC Hu, VK Devabhaktuni, N Kaabouch
2019 16th IEEE Annual Consumer Communications & Networking Conference (CCNC …, 2019
Support vector machine based data classification for detection of electricity theft
SSSR Depuru, L Wang, V Devabhaktuni
2011 IEEE/PES Power Systems Conference and Exposition, 1-8, 2011
Neural-network approaches to electromagnetic-based modeling of passive components and their applications to high-frequency and high-speed nonlinear circuit optimization
X Ding, VK Devabhaktuni, B Chattaraj, MCE Yagoub, M Deo, J Xu, ...
IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques 52 (1), 436-449, 2004
A low-cost INS/GPS integration methodology based on random forest regression
S Adusumilli, D Bhatt, H Wang, P Bhattacharya, V Devabhaktuni
Expert Systems with Applications 40 (11), 4653-4659, 2013
Depuru, SSSR; Green, RC; Nims, D.; Near, C
V Devabhaktuni, M Alam
Solar energy: Trends and enabling technologies. Renew. Sustain. Energy Rev …, 2013
Common metrics to benchmark human-machine teams (HMT): A review
P Damacharla, AY Javaid, JJ Gallimore, VK Devabhaktuni
IEEE Access 6, 38637-38655, 2018
Estimation of root zone soil moisture from ground and remotely sensed soil information with multisensor data fusion and automated machine learning
E Babaeian, S Paheding, N Siddique, VK Devabhaktuni, M Tuller
Remote sensing of environment 260, 112434, 2021
A novel hybrid fusion algorithm to bridge the period of GPS outages using low-cost INS
D Bhatt, P Aggarwal, V Devabhaktuni, P Bhattacharya
Expert Systems with Applications 41 (5), 2166-2173, 2014
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Articles 1–20