Morgan F. Schaller
Morgan F. Schaller
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Laser spectroscopy of muonic deuterium
R Pohl, F Nez, LMP Fernandes, FD Amaro, F Biraben, JMR Cardoso, ...
Science 353 (6300), 669-673, 2016
Atmospheric pCO2 perturbations associated with the Central Atlantic magmatic province
MF Schaller, JD Wright, DV Kent
Science 331 (6023), 1404-1409, 2011
River basins as groundwater exporters and importers: Implications for water cycle and climate modeling
MF Schaller, Y Fan
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 114 (D4), 2009
Increase of human over natural erosion rates in tropical highlands constrained by cosmogenic nuclides
T Hewawasam, F von Blanckenburg, M Schaller, P Kubik
Geology 31 (7), 597-600, 2003
Rapid emplacement of the Central Atlantic Magmatic Province as a net sink for CO2
MF Schaller, JD Wright, DV Kent, PE Olsen
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 323, 27-39, 2012
Drilling and sampling a natural CO2 reservoir: Implications for fluid flow and CO2-fluid–rock reactions during CO2 migration through the overburden
N Kampman, MJ Bickle, A Maskell, HJ Chapman, JP Evans, G Purser, ...
Chemical Geology 369, 51-82, 2014
Evidence for a rapid release of carbon at the Paleocene-Eocene thermal maximum
JD Wright, MF Schaller
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 110 (40), 15908-15913, 2013
Pedogenic and microbial interrelations to regional climate and local topography: New insights from a climate gradient (arid to humid) along the Coastal Cordillera of Chile
N Bernhard, LM Moskwa, K Schmidt, RA Oeser, F Aburto, MY Bader, ...
Catena 170, 335-355, 2018
The gas fractions of dark matter haloes hosting simulated ∼L galaxies are governed by the feedback history of their black holes
JJ Davies, RA Crain, IG McCarthy, BD Oppenheimer, J Schaye, ...
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 485 (3), 3783-3793, 2019
Empirical evidence for stability of the 405-kiloyear Jupiter–Venus eccentricity cycle over hundreds of millions of years
DV Kent, PE Olsen, C Rasmussen, C Lepre, R Mundil, RB Irmis, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 115 (24), 6153-6158, 2018
Continental erosion and the Cenozoic rise of marine diatoms
P Cermeño, PG Falkowski, OE Romero, MF Schaller, SM Vallina
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 112 (14), 4239-4244, 2015
A 30 Myr record of Late Triassic atmospheric pCO2 variation reflects a fundamental control of the carbon cycle by changes in continental weathering
MF Schaller, JD Wright, DV Kent
Bulletin 127 (5-6), 661-671, 2015
Extreme ecosystem instability suppressed tropical dinosaur dominance for 30 million years
JH Whiteside, S Lindström, RB Irmis, IJ Glasspool, MF Schaller, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 112 (26), 7909-7913, 2015
Chemistry and microbiology of the Critical Zone along a steep climate and vegetation gradient in the Chilean Coastal Cordillera
RA Oeser, N Stroncik, LM Moskwa, N Bernhard, M Schaller, R Canessa, ...
Catena 170, 183-203, 2018
Toward a Cenozoic history of atmospheric CO2
Cenozoic CO2 Proxy Integration Project (CenCO2PIP) Consortium*†, ...
Science 382 (6675), eadi5177, 2023
Impact ejecta at the Paleocene-Eocene boundary
MF Schaller, JD Wright, DV Kent
Science, 2016
Scientific drilling and downhole fluid sampling of a natural CO2 reservoir, Green River, Utah
N Kampman, A Maskell, MJ Bickle, JP Evans, M Schaller, G Purser, ...
Scientific Drilling 16, 33-43, 2013
Dynamic lattice distortions driven by surface trapping in semiconductor nanocrystals
B Guzelturk, BL Cotts, D Jasrasaria, JP Philbin, DA Hanifi, BA Koscher, ...
Nature communications 12 (1), 1860, 2021
Arctic ice and the ecological rise of the dinosaurs
P Olsen, J Sha, Y Fang, C Chang, JH Whiteside, S Kinney, HD Sues, ...
Science Advances 8 (26), eabo6342, 2022
Spatial variability of long-term chemical weathering rates in the White Mountains, New Hampshire, USA
M Schaller, JD Blum, SP Hamburg, MA Vadeboncoeur
Geoderma 154 (3-4), 294-301, 2010
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Articles 1–20