Hediyeh Fatemi
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Cited by
High-frequency thin-film AlN-on-diamond lateral–extensional resonators
H Fatemi, H Zeng, JA Carlisle, R Abdolvand
Journal of microelectromechanical systems 22 (3), 678-686, 2013
Nonlinearity reduction in silicon resonators by doping and re-orientation
M Shahmohammadi, H Fatemi, R Abdolvand
2013 IEEE 26th International Conference on Micro Electro Mechanical Systems …, 2013
High-frequency thin-film piezoelectric transformers
H Fatemi, R Abdolvand
2012 IEEE International Frequency Control Symposium Proceedings, 1-4, 2012
Passive wireless temperature sensing with piezoelectric MEMS resonators
H Fatemi, MJ Modarres-Zadeh, R Abdolvand
2015 28th IEEE International Conference on Micro Electro Mechanical Systems …, 2015
Fracture limit in thin-film piezoelectric-on-substrate resonators: Silicon VS. diamond
H Fatemi, R Abdolvand
2013 IEEE 26th International Conference on Micro Electro Mechanical Systems …, 2013
Very low-loss high frequency lateral-mode resonators on polished ultrananocrystalline diamond
H Fatemi, R Abdolvand, H Zeng, J Carlisle
2011 Joint Conference of the IEEE International Frequency Control and the …, 2011
50Ω-terminated 900MHz monolithic lateral-extensional piezoelectric filters on ultrananocryslalline diamond
H Fatemi, BP Harrington, H Zeng, J Carlisle, R Abdolvand
2011 IEEE 24th International Conference on Micro Electro Mechanical Systems …, 2011
Ultra-stable nonlinear thin-film piezoelectric-on-substrate oscillators operating at bifurcation
H Fatemi, M Shahmohammadi, R Abdolvand
2014 IEEE 27th International Conference on Micro Electro Mechanical Systems …, 2014
Low-loss lateral-extensional piezoelectric filters on ultrananocrystalline diamond
H Fatemi, R Abdolvand
IEEE transactions on ultrasonics, ferroelectrics, and frequency control 60 …, 2013
Low-impedance thin-film AlN-on-diamond lateral-extensional resonators
H Fatemi
Oklahoma State University, 2011
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Articles 1–10