Steven Wallander
Steven Wallander
USDA Economic Research Service
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Cover crop trends, programs, and practices in the United States
S Wallander, D Smith, M Bowman, R Claassen
Conservation-practice adoption rates vary widely by crop and region
T Wade, R Claassen, S Wallander
Tillage intensity and conservation cropping in the United States
R Claassen, M Bowman, J McFadden, D Smith, S Wallander
The ethanol decade: an expansion of US corn production, 2000-09
S Wallander, R Claassen, C Nickerson
USDA-ERS Economic Information Bulletin, 2011
Multi-cropping practices: recent trends in double-cropping
A Borchers, E Truex-Powell, S Wallander, C Nickerson
Addressing participant inattention in federal programs: a field experiment with the conservation reserve program
S Wallander, P Ferraro, N Higgins
American Journal of Agricultural Economics 99 (4), 914-931, 2017
The role of conservation programs in drought risk adaptation
S Wallander, M Aillery, D Hellerstein, M Hand
Economic Research Service ERR 148, 2013
Development, adoption, and management of drought-tolerant corn in the United States
J McFadden, D Smith, S Wechsler, S Wallander
Estimates of conservation tillage practices using landsat archive
PC Beeson, CST Daughtry, SA Wallander
Remote Sensing 12 (16), 2665, 2020
Climate change and agricultural risk management into the 21st century.
BA Crane-Droesch, E Marshall, S Rosch, A Riddle, J Cooper, ...
Improving the cost-effectiveness of the Conservation Reserve Program: A laboratory study
P Cramton, D Hellerstein, N Higgins, R Iovanna, K López-Vargas, ...
Journal of Environmental Economics and Management 108, 102439, 2021
Tillage Intensity and Conservation Cropping in the United States, EIB-197, USDA
R Claassen, M Bowman, J McFadden, D Smith, S Wallander
Economic Research Service, September, 2018
Measuring the impact of the environmental quality incentives program (EQIP) on irrigation efficiency and water conservation
S Wallander, MS Hand
While crop rotations are common, cover crops remain rare
S Wallander
Amber Waves, 21, 2013
Assessing the returns to land and greenhouse gas savings from producing energy crops on conservation reserve program land
L Chen, E Blanc-Betes, TW Hudiburg, D Hellerstein, S Wallander, ...
Environmental Science & Technology 55 (2), 1301-1309, 2021
Economic experiments for policy analysis and program design: a guide for agricultural decisionmakers
N Higgins, D Hellerstein, S Wallander, L Lynch
Cover Crop Trends
S Wallander, D Smith, M Bowman, R Claassen
Programs, and Practices in the United States, 2021
Long run optimization of landscape level irrigation through managed aquifer recharge or expanded surface reservoirs
D Tran, K Kovacs, S Wallander
Journal of Hydrology 579, 124220, 2019
The impact of input and output decisions on agricultural production risk
JP Chavas, J Cooper, S Wallander
Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics 44 (3), 513-535, 2019
Testing for specification bias with a flexible Fourier transform model for crop yields
J Cooper, AN Tran, S Wallander
American Journal of Agricultural Economics 99 (3), 800-817, 2017
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Articles 1–20