Guillaume Gateau
Cited by
Cited by
Multicell converters: Derived topologies
TA Meynard, H Foch, F Forest, C Turpin, F Richardeau, L Delmas, ...
IEEE transactions on Industrial Electronics 49 (5), 978-987, 2002
Optimal modulation of flying capacitor and stacked multicell converters using a state machine decoder
BP McGrath, T Meynard, G Gateau, DG Holmes
IEEE Transactions on Power electronics 22 (2), 508-516, 2007
Multicell converters: active control and observation of flying-capacitor voltages
G Gateau, M Fadel, P Maussion, R Bensaid, TA Meynard
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 49 (5), 998-1008, 2002
Stacked multicell converter (SMC): Properties and design
G Gateau, TA Meynard, H Foch
2001 IEEE 32nd Annual Power Electronics Specialists Conference (IEEE Cat. No …, 2001
PD modulation scheme for three-phase parallel multilevel inverters
B Cougo, G Gateau, T Meynard, M Bobrowska-Rafal, M Cousineau
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 59 (2), 690-700, 2011
Parallel three-phase inverters: Optimal PWM method for flux reduction in intercell transformers
B Cougo, T Meynard, G Gateau
IEEE transactions on Power Electronics 26 (8), 2184-2191, 2011
Three-level active NPC converter: PWM strategies and loss distribution
D Floricau, E Floricau, G Gateau
2008 34th Annual Conference of IEEE Industrial Electronics, 3333-3338, 2008
Digital sliding-mode observer implementation using FPGA
AM Lienhardt, G Gateau, TA Meynard
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 54 (4), 1865-1875, 2007
New multilevel converters with coupled inductors: Properties and control
D Floricau, E Floricau, G Gateau
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 58 (12), 5344-5351, 2011
A new stacked NPC converter: 3L-topology and control
D Floricau, G Gateau, M Dumitrescu, R Teodorescu
2007 European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications, 1-10, 2007
Stacked multicell converter (SMC): Control and natural balancing
L Delmas, G Gateau, TA Meynard, H Foch
2002 IEEE 33rd Annual IEEE Power Electronics Specialists Conference …, 2002
Implementation of a peak-current-control algorithm within a field-programmable gate array
M Aime, G Gateau, TA Meynard
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 54 (1), 406-418, 2007
New active stacked NPC multilevel converter: Operation and features
D Floricau, G Gateau, A Leredde
IEEE transactions on Industrial Electronics 57 (7), 2272-2278, 2009
The efficiency of three-level active NPC converter for different PWM strategies
D Floricau, G Gateau, A Leredde, R Teodorescu
2009 13th European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications, 1-9, 2009
Design of FPGA-based emulator for series multicell converters using co-simulation tools
R Ruelland, G Gateau, TA Meynard, JC Hapiot
IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics 18 (1), 455-463, 2003
Comparative study of multilevel topologies: NPC, multicell inverter and SMC with IGBT
L Demas, TA Meynard, H Foch, G Gateau
IEEE 2002 28th Annual Conference of the Industrial Electronics Society …, 2002
Contribution à la commande des convertisseurs statiques multicellulaires série: commande non linéaire et commande floue
G Gateau
Toulouse, INPT, 1997
Stacked multicell converter (SMC): Topology and control
G Gateau, TA Meynard, L Delmas, H Foch
EPE Journal 12 (2), 14-18, 2002
Flying capacitor multicell converters with reduced stored energy
T Meynard, AM Lienhardt, G Gateau, C Haederli, P Barbosa
2006 IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics 2, 914-918, 2006
Optimal modulation of flying capacitor and stacked multicell converters using a state machine decoder
BP McGrath, TA Meynard, G Gateau, DG Holmes
2005 IEEE 36th Power Electronics Specialists Conference, 1671-1677, 2005
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Articles 1–20