Zheng-Cheng Gu
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Cited by
Symmetry protected topological orders and the group cohomology of their symmetry group
X Chen, ZC Gu, ZX Liu, XG Wen
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 87 (15), 155114, 2013
Local unitary transformation, long-range quantum entanglement, wave function renormalization, and topological order
X Chen, ZC Gu, XG Wen
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 82 (15), 155138, 2010
Classification of gapped symmetric phases in one-dimensional spin systems
X Chen, ZC Gu, XG Wen
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 83 (3), 035107, 2011
Tensor-entanglement-filtering renormalization approach and symmetry-protected topological order
ZC Gu, XG Wen
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 80 (15), 155131, 2009
Nearly flatbands with nontrivial topology
K Sun, Z Gu, H Katsura, S Das Sarma
Physical review letters 106 (23), 236803, 2011
Symmetry-protected topological orders in interacting bosonic systems
X Chen, ZC Gu, ZX Liu, XG Wen
Science 338 (6114), 1604-1606, 2012
Braiding statistics approach to symmetry-protected topological phases
M Levin, ZC Gu
Physical Review B 86 (11), 115109, 2012
Fractional quantum Hall effect in the absence of Landau levels
DN Sheng, ZC Gu, K Sun, L Sheng
Nature communications 2 (1), 389, 2011
Complete classification of one-dimensional gapped quantum phases in interacting spin systems
X Chen, ZC Gu, XG Wen
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 84 (23), 235128, 2011
Symmetry-protected topological orders for interacting fermions: Fermionic topological nonlinear models and a special group supercohomology theory
ZC Gu, XG Wen
Physical Review B 90 (11), 115141, 2014
Possible proximity of the Mott insulating iridate NaIrO to a topological phase: Phase diagram of the Heisenberg-Kitaev model in a magnetic field
HC Jiang, ZC Gu, XL Qi, S Trebst
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 83 (24), 245104, 2011
Fractional quantum Hall effect of hard-core bosons in topological flat bands
YF Wang, ZC Gu, CD Gong, DN Sheng
Physical review letters 107 (14), 146803, 2011
Tensor-entanglement renormalization group approach as a unified method for symmetry breaking and topological phase transitions
ZC Gu, M Levin, XG Wen
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 78 (20), 205116, 2008
Field-theory representation of gauge-gravity symmetry-protected topological invariants, group cohomology, and beyond
JC Wang, ZC Gu, XG Wen
Physical review letters 114 (3), 031601, 2015
Tensor-product representations for string-net condensed states
ZC Gu, M Levin, B Swingle, XG Wen
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 79 (8), 085118, 2009
Topological flat band models with arbitrary Chern numbers
S Yang, ZC Gu, K Sun, S Das Sarma
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 86 (24), 241112, 2012
Loop optimization for tensor network renormalization
S Yang, ZC Gu, XG Wen
Physical review letters 118 (11), 110504, 2017
Z.-C. Gu and M. Levin, Phys. Rev. B 89, 201113 (2014).
Phys. Rev. B 89, 201113, 2014
Constructing a Gapless Spin-Liquid State for the Spin- Heisenberg Model <?format ?>on a Square Lattice
L Wang, D Poilblanc, ZC Gu, XG Wen, F Verstraete
Physical review letters 111 (3), 037202, 2013
Towards a complete classification of symmetry-protected topological phases for interacting fermions in three dimensions and a general group supercohomology theory
QR Wang, ZC Gu
Physical Review X 8 (1), 011055, 2018
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Articles 1–20