Andreas Carlson
Andreas Carlson
Professor, Mechanics Division at the Department of Mathematics, University of Oslo
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Multifunctional ferrofluid-infused surfaces with reconfigurable multiscale topography
W Wang, JVI Timonen, A Carlson, DM Drotlef, CT Zhang, S Kolle, ...
Nature 559 (7712), 77-82, 2018
A phase field model for multiphase electro-hydrodynamic flow
Y Lin, P Skjetne, A Carlson
International Journal of Multiphase Flow 45, 1-11, 2012
Concerted ESCRT and clathrin recruitment waves define the timing and morphology of intraluminal vesicle formation
EM Wenzel, SW Schultz, KO Schink, NM Pedersen, V Nähse, A Carlson, ...
Nature communications 9 (1), 2932, 2018
Droplet dynamics in a bifurcating channel
A Carlson, M Do-Quang, G Amberg
International Journal of Multiphase Flow 36 (5), 397-405, 2010
Dissipation in rapid dynamic wetting
A Carlson, M Do-Quang, G Amberg
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 682, 213-240, 2011
Modeling of dynamic wetting far from equilibrium
A Carlson, M Do-Quang, G Amberg
Physics of fluids 21 (12), 2009
Universality in dynamic wetting dominated by contact-line friction
A Carlson, G Bellani, G Amberg
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 85 (4 …, 2012
Short and long time drop dynamics on lubricated substrates
A Carlson, P Kim, G Amberg, HA Stone
EPL (Europhysics Letters) 104 (3), 34008, 2013
Directional memory arises from long-lived cytoskeletal asymmetries in polarized chemotactic cells
HV Prentice-Mott, Y Meroz, A Carlson, MA Levine, MW Davidson, D Irimia, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 113 (5), 1267-1272, 2016
Contact line dissipation in short-time dynamic wetting
A Carlson, G Bellani, G Amberg
Europhysics letters 97 (4), 44004, 2012
Curving to fly: Synthetic adaptation unveils optimal flight performance of whirling fruits
J Rabault, RA Fauli, A Carlson
Physical review letters 122 (2), 024501, 2019
Dynamic wetting at the nanoscale
Y Nakamura, A Carlson, G Amberg, J Shiomi
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 88 (3 …, 2013
Thermohydrodynamics of boiling in a van der Waals fluid
T Laurila, A Carlson, M Do-Quang, T Ala-Nissila, G Amberg
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 85 (2 …, 2012
Architecture of the chikungunya virus replication organelle
T Laurent, P Kumar, S Liese, F Zare, M Jonasson, A Carlson, LA Carlson
Elife 11, e83042, 2022
Nanotube-mediated path to protocell formation
ES Köksal, S Liese, I Kantarci, R Olsson, A Carlson, I Gozen
ACS nano 13 (6), 6867-6878, 2019
Effect of wing fold angles on the terminal descent velocity of double-winged autorotating seeds, fruits, and other diaspores
RA Fauli, J Rabault, A Carlson
Physical Review E 100 (1), 013108, 2019
Water–substrate physico-chemistry in wetting dynamics
P Johansson, A Carlson, B Hess
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 781, 695-711, 2015
Elastohydrodynamics and kinetics of protein patterning in the immunological synapse
A Carlson, L Mahadevan
PLoS computational biology 11 (12), e1004481, 2015
Prediction of two-phase flow in small tubes: a systematic comparison of state-of-the-art CMFD codes
A Carlson, P Kudinov, C Narayanan
5th European Thermal-Sciences Conference, The Netherlands, 126-130, 2008
Directional spreading of a viscous droplet on a conical fibre
TS Chan, F Yang, A Carlson
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 894, A26, 2020
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Articles 1–20