Nektaria Tryfona
Nektaria Tryfona
Bradley Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Virginia Tech
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starER: A conceptual model for data warehouse design
N Tryfona, F Busborg, JG Borch Christiansen
Proceedings of the 2nd ACM international workshop on Data warehousing and …, 1999
Conceptual data modeling for spatiotemporal applications
N Tryfona, CS Jensen
GeoInformatica 3, 245-268, 1999
Spatio-temporal databases: The CHOROCHRONOS approach
M Koubarakis, T Sellis, AU Frank, S Grumbach, RH Güting, CS Jensen, ...
Springer, 2003
Modeling, storing and mining moving object databases
S Brakatsoulas, D Pfoser, N Tryfona
Proceedings. International Database Engineering and Applications Symposium …, 2004
Structuring space with image schemata: Wayfinding in airports as a case study
M Raubal, MJ Egenhofer, D Pfoser, N Tryfona
International Conference on Spatial Information Theory, 85-102, 1997
A model for expressing topological integrity constraints in geographic databases
T Hadzilacos, N Tryfona
Theories and Methods of Spatio-Temporal Reasoning in Geographic Space …, 2005
Location-based services: A database perspective.
CS Jensen, A Friis-Christensen, TB Pedersen, D Pfoser, S Saltenis, ...
ScanGIS, 59-68, 2001
Requirements, definitions, and notations for spatiotemporal application environments
D Pfoser, N Tryfona
Proceedings of the 6th ACM international symposium on advances in geographic …, 1998
Pre-aggregation in spatial data warehouses
TB Pedersen, N Tryfona
Advances in Spatial and Temporal Databases: 7th International Symposium …, 2001
An extended entity-relationship model for geographic applications
T Hadzilacos, N Tryfona
Acm Sigmod Record 26 (3), 24-29, 1997
Logical data modelling for geographical applications
T Hadzilacos, N Tryfona
International Journal of Geographical Information Science 10 (2), 179-203, 1996
Consistency among parts and aggregates: A computational model
N Tryfona, MJ Egenhofer
Transactions in GIS 1 (3), 189-206, 1996
Dynamic travel time provision for road networks
D Pfoser, S Brakatsoulas, P Brosch, M Umlauft, N Tryfona, G Tsironis
Proceedings of the 16th ACM SIGSPATIAL international conference on Advances …, 2008
Capturing fuzziness and uncertainty of spatiotemporal objects
D Pfoser, N Tryfona
Advances in Databases and Information Systems: 5th East European Conference …, 2001
Requirements and research issues in geographic data modeling
A Friis-Christensen, N Tryfona, CS Jensen
Proceedings of the 9th ACM international symposium on Advances in geographic …, 2001
Chapter 3: Conceptual models for spatio-temporal applications
N Tryfona, R Price, CS Jensen
Spatio-temporal databases: the CHOROCHRONOS approach, 79-116, 2003
Extended spatiotemporal UML: Motivations, requirements and constructs
R Price, N Tryfona, CS Jensen
Journal of Database Management (JDM) 11 (4), 14-27, 2000
Using abstractions for spatio-temporal conceptual modeling
N Tryfona, CS Jensen
Proceedings of the 2000 ACM symposium on Applied computing-Volume 1, 313-322, 2000
Modeling behavior of geographic objects: An experience with the object modeling technique
N Tryfona, D Pfoser, T Hadzilacos
Advanced Information Systems Engineering: 9th International Conference …, 1997
Dynamic travel time maps-enabling efficient navigation
D Pfoser, N Tryfona, A Voisard
18th International Conference on Scientific and Statistical Database …, 2006
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Articles 1–20