Cited by
Cited by
Transmission lines and lumped circuits: fundamentals and applications
G Miano, A Maffucci
Elsevier, 2001
A transmission line model for metallic carbon nanotube interconnects
A Maffucci, G Miano, F Villone
International Journal of Circuit Theory and Applications 36 (1), 31-51, 2008
Analysis of the voltage distribution in a motor stator winding subjected to steep-fronted surge voltages by means of a multiconductor lossy transmission line model
C Petrarca, A Maffucci, V Tucci, M Vitelli
IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion 19 (1), 7-17, 2004
Carbon nanotubes for interconnects
A Todri-Sanial, J Dijon, A Maffucci
Cham, Switzerland: Springer, 2017
Divertor of the European DEMO: Engineering and technologies for power exhaust
JH You, G Mazzone, E Visca, H Greuner, M Fursdon, Y Addab, ...
Fusion Engineering and Design 175, 113010, 2022
A new circuit model for carbon nanotube interconnects with diameter-dependent parameters
A Maffucci, G Miano, F Villone
IEEE Transactions on Nanotechnology 8 (3), 345-354, 2008
Electrical properties of graphene for interconnect applications
A Maffucci, G Miano
Applied Sciences 4 (2), 305-317, 2014
Signal propagation in carbon nanotubes of arbitrary chirality
G Miano, C Forestiere, A Maffucci, SA Maksimenko, GY Slepyan
IEEE Transactions on nanotechnology 10 (1), 135-149, 2009
An enhanced transmission line model for conducting wires
A Maffucci, G Miano, F Villone
IEEE Transactions on Electromagnetic Compatibility 46 (4), 512-528, 2004
Performance comparison between metallic carbon nanotube and copper nano-interconnects
A Maffucci, G Miano, F Villone
IEEE transactions on advanced packaging 31 (4), 692-699, 2008
Bottom-up realization and electrical characterization of a graphene-based device
A Maffucci, F Micciulla, A Cataldo, G Miano, S Bellucci
Nanotechnology 27 (9), 095204, 2016
Carbon nanotube electrodes in organic transistors
I Valitova, M Amato, F Mahvash, G Cantele, A Maffucci, C Santato, ...
Nanoscale 5 (11), 4638-4646, 2013
Eurofusion-DEMO divertor-cassette design and integration
G Mazzone, JH You, C Bachmann, U Bonavolontą, V Cerri, D Coccorese, ...
Fusion Engineering and Design 157, 111656, 2020
Number of conducting channels for armchair and zig-zag graphene nanoribbon interconnects
A Maffucci, G Miano
IEEE transactions on nanotechnology 12 (5), 817-823, 2013
Circuit models of carbon-based interconnects for nanopackaging
AG Chiariello, A Maffucci, G Miano
IEEE Transactions on Components, Packaging and Manufacturing Technology 3 …, 2013
Modeling, fabrication, and characterization of large carbon nanotube interconnects with negative temperature coefficient of the resistance
A Maffucci, F Micciulla, AE Cataldo, G Miano, S Bellucci
IEEE Transactions on Components, Packaging and Manufacturing Technology 7 (4 …, 2017
Electrical permittivity and conductivity of a graphene nanoplatelet contact in the microwave range
S Bellucci, A Maffucci, S Maksimenko, F Micciulla, MD Migliore, ...
Materials 11 (12), 2519, 2018
On the evaluation of the number of conducting channels in multiwall carbon nanotubes
C Forestiere, A Maffucci, G Miano
IEEE Transactions on Nanotechnology 10 (6), 1221-1223, 2011
Size and temperature effects on the resistance of copper and carbon nanotubes nano-interconnects
AG Chiariello, G Miano, A Maffucci
19th Topical Meeting on Electrical Performance of Electronic Packaging and …, 2010
Mutual inductance behavioral modeling for wireless power transfer system coils
G Di Capua, N Femia, K Stoyka, G Di Mambro, A Maffucci, S Ventre, ...
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 68 (3), 2196-2206, 2020
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Articles 1–20