Diogenes S. Alves
Cited by
Cited by
Climate change 1994: radiative forcing of climate change and an evaluation of the IPCC 1992 IS92 emission scenarios
JT Houghton
Cambridge University Press, 1995
Radiative Forcing of Climate Change
D Schimel, DS Alves, I Enting, M Heimann, F Joos, D Raynaud
Climate Change 1995 - The Science of Climate Change, 65-131, 1995
CO2 and the Carbon Cycle
D Schimel, I Enting, M Heimann, T Wigley, D Raynaud, D Alves, ...
Climate change 1994: Rad. Forc. of Clim. Change and an Evaluation of the …, 0
Space-time dynamics of deforestation in Brazilian Amazonia
DS Alves
International Journal of Remote Sensing 23 (14), 2903-2908, 2002
Causes and trajectories of land-use/cover change
H Geist, W McConnell, EF Lambin, E Moran, D Alves, T Rudel
Land-use and land-cover change: Local processes and global impacts, 41-70, 2006
Global land-cover change: Recent progress, remaining challenges
N Ramankutty, L Graumlich, F Achard, D Alves, A Chhabra, RS DeFries, ...
Land-use and land-cover change: local processes and global impacts, 9-39, 2006
Biomass of primary and secondary vegetation in Rondônia, Western Brazilian Amazon
D Alves, JV Soares, S Amaral, E Mello, S Almeida, OF da Silva, A Silveira
Global Change Biology 3 (5), 451-461, 1997
Mapping deforestation and land use in Amazon rainforest by using SIR-C imagery
SS Saatchi, JV Soares, DS Alves
Remote Sensing of Environment 59 (2), 191-202, 1997
An analysis of the geographical patterns of deforestation in the Brazilian Amazon in the period 1991-1996.
DS Alves
Characterizing landscape changes in central Rondonia using Landsat TM imagery
DS Alves, JLG Pereira, CL De Sousa, JV Soares, F Yamaguchi
International Journal of Remote Sensing 20 (14), 2877-2882, 1999
Characterizing land cover dynamics using multi-temporal imagery
International Journal of Remote Sensing 17 (4), 835-839, 1996
O processo de desmatamento na Amazônia
DS Alves
Parcerias estratégicas 6 (12), 259-275, 2010
Sistemas de informação geográfica
DS Alves
simpósio Brasileiro de Geoprocessamento 1, 66-78, 1990
Land use intensification and abandonment in Rondônia, Brazilian Amazônia
DS Alves, MIS Escada, JLG Pereira, C de Albuquerque Linhares
International Journal of Remote Sensing 24 (4), 899-903, 2003
The changing rates and patterns of deforestation and land use in Brazilian Amazonia.
DS Alves, DC Morton, M Batistella, DA Roberts, C Souza Jr
In: KELLER, M.; BUSTAMANTE, M.; GASH, J.; DIAS, PS (Ed.). Amazonia and …, 2009
Sistemas de informações geográficas na obtenção de mapas de aptidão agrícola e de taxa de adequação de uso das terras
AR Formaggio, DS Alves, JCN EPIPHANIO
Revista Brasileira de Ciência do Solo 16 (2), 249-256, 1992
Linking land-change science and policy: current lessons and future integration
RS Reid, TP Tomich, J Xu, H Geist, A Mather, RS DeFries, J Liu, D Alves, ...
Land-use and land-cover change: Local processes and global impacts, 157-171, 2006
Forest dynamics and land-use transitions in the Brazilian Atlantic Forest: the case of sugarcane expansion
MP Ferreira, DS Alves, YE Shimabukuro
Regional Environmental Change 15, 365-377, 2015
Climate Change 1995: The Science of Climate Change
D Schimel, D Alves, I Enting, M Heimann, F Joos, D Raynaud, T Wigley
Press Syndicate of the University of Cambridge, Cambridge, UK, 76-86, 1996
Fractional forest cover mapping in the Brazilian Amazon with a combination of MODIS and TM images
D Lu, M Batistella, E Moran, S Hetrick, D Alves, E Brondizio
International Journal of Remote Sensing 32 (22), 7131-7149, 2011
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Articles 1–20