A grammar of Matses DW Fleck Rice University, 2003 | 288* | 2003 |
Panoan languages and linguistics DW Fleck Anthropological papers of the American Museum of Natural History 99, 2013 | 139* | 2013 |
Evidentiality and double tense in Matses DW Fleck Language, 589-614, 2007 | 130 | 2007 |
Matses Indian rainforest habitat classification and mammalian diversity in Amazonian Peru DW Fleck, JD Harder J. Ethnobiol 20, 1-36, 2000 | 120 | 2000 |
Roosting ecology of Amazonian bats: evidence for guild structure in hyperdiverse mammalian communities RS Voss, DW Fleck, RE Strauss, PM Velazco, NB Simmons American Museum Novitates 2016 (3870), 1-43, 2016 | 89 | 2016 |
Mammalian diversity and Matses ethnomammalogy in Amazonian Peru Part 3: Marsupials (Didelphimorphia) RS Voss, DW Fleck, SA Jansa Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 2019 (432), 1-90, 2019 | 71 | 2019 |
A new species of Peropteryx (Chiroptera: Emballonuridae) from western Amazonia with comments on phylogenetic relationships within the genus BK Lim, MD Engstrom, FA Reid, NB Simmons, RS Voss, DW Fleck American Museum Novitates 2010 (3686), 1-20, 2010 | 70 | 2010 |
A new Amazonian species of Micronycteris (Chiroptera: Phyllostomidae) with notes on the roosting behavior of sympatric congeners NB Simmons, RS Voss, DW Fleck American Museum Novitates 2002 (3358), 1-16, 2002 | 69 | 2002 |
Mammalian diversity and Matses ethnomammalogy in Amazonian Peru part 1: primates RS Voss, DW Fleck Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 2011 (351), 1-81, 2011 | 64 | 2011 |
Body-part prefixes in Matses: derivation or noun incorporation? DW Fleck International Journal of American Linguistics 72 (1), 59-96, 2006 | 58 | 2006 |
Ecology of marsupials in two Amazonian rain forests in northeastern Peru DW Fleck, JD Harder Journal of Mammalogy 76 (3), 809-818, 1995 | 58 | 1995 |
Underdifferentiated taxa and sublexical categorization: an example from Matses classification of bats DW Fleck, RS Voss, NB Simmons Journal of Ethnobiology 22 (1), 61-102, 2002 | 54* | 2002 |
Reported Speech in Matses: Perspective Persistence and Evidential Narratives R Munro, R Ludwig, U Sauerland, DW Fleck International Journal of American Linguistics 78 (1), 41-75, 2012 | 51 | 2012 |
Causation in Matses (Panoan, Amazonian Peru) DW Fleck The grammar of causation and interpersonal manipulation, 373-415, 2008 | 46 | 2008 |
Matsesen Nampid Chuibanaid= La vida tradicional de los Matses. S Romanoff, D Fleck Peru: Centro Amazonio de Anthropologia y Aplicacion Practica (CAAAP),, 2004 | 40* | 2004 |
On the origin and cultural significance of unusually large synonym sets in some Panoan languages of western Amazonia DW Fleck, RS Voss Anthropological Linguistics, 335-368, 2006 | 39 | 2006 |
Antipassive in Matses DW Fleck Studies in Language. International Journal sponsored by the Foundation …, 2006 | 39 | 2006 |
Biological Basis of Saki (Pithecia) Folk Species Recognized by the Matses Indians of Amazonian Perú DW Fleck, RS Voss, JL Patton International Journal of Primatology 20, 1005-1028, 1999 | 38 | 1999 |
Pet vocatives in southwestern Amazonia S Dienst, DW Fleck Anthropological Linguistics, 209-243, 2009 | 35 | 2009 |
A new species of nectar-feeding bat of the genus Hsunycteris (Phyllostomidae: Lonchophyllinae) from northeastern Peru PM Velazco, JA Soto-Centeno, DW Fleck, RS Voss, NB Simmons American Museum Novitates 2017 (3881), 1-26, 2017 | 31 | 2017 |