David W. Fleck
Cited by
Cited by
A grammar of Matses
DW Fleck
Rice University, 2003
Panoan languages and linguistics
DW Fleck
Anthropological papers of the American Museum of Natural History 99, 2013
Evidentiality and double tense in Matses
DW Fleck
Language, 589-614, 2007
Matses Indian rainforest habitat classification and mammalian diversity in Amazonian Peru
DW Fleck, JD Harder
J. Ethnobiol 20, 1-36, 2000
Roosting ecology of Amazonian bats: evidence for guild structure in hyperdiverse mammalian communities
RS Voss, DW Fleck, RE Strauss, PM Velazco, NB Simmons
American Museum Novitates 2016 (3870), 1-43, 2016
Mammalian diversity and Matses ethnomammalogy in Amazonian Peru Part 3: Marsupials (Didelphimorphia)
RS Voss, DW Fleck, SA Jansa
Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 2019 (432), 1-90, 2019
A new species of Peropteryx (Chiroptera: Emballonuridae) from western Amazonia with comments on phylogenetic relationships within the genus
BK Lim, MD Engstrom, FA Reid, NB Simmons, RS Voss, DW Fleck
American Museum Novitates 2010 (3686), 1-20, 2010
A new Amazonian species of Micronycteris (Chiroptera: Phyllostomidae) with notes on the roosting behavior of sympatric congeners
NB Simmons, RS Voss, DW Fleck
American Museum Novitates 2002 (3358), 1-16, 2002
Mammalian diversity and Matses ethnomammalogy in Amazonian Peru part 1: primates
RS Voss, DW Fleck
Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 2011 (351), 1-81, 2011
Body-part prefixes in Matses: derivation or noun incorporation?
DW Fleck
International Journal of American Linguistics 72 (1), 59-96, 2006
Ecology of marsupials in two Amazonian rain forests in northeastern Peru
DW Fleck, JD Harder
Journal of Mammalogy 76 (3), 809-818, 1995
Underdifferentiated taxa and sublexical categorization: an example from Matses classification of bats
DW Fleck, RS Voss, NB Simmons
Journal of Ethnobiology 22 (1), 61-102, 2002
Reported Speech in Matses: Perspective Persistence and Evidential Narratives
R Munro, R Ludwig, U Sauerland, DW Fleck
International Journal of American Linguistics 78 (1), 41-75, 2012
Causation in Matses (Panoan, Amazonian Peru)
DW Fleck
The grammar of causation and interpersonal manipulation, 373-415, 2008
Matsesen Nampid Chuibanaid= La vida tradicional de los Matses.
S Romanoff, D Fleck
Peru: Centro Amazonio de Anthropologia y Aplicacion Practica (CAAAP),, 2004
On the origin and cultural significance of unusually large synonym sets in some Panoan languages of western Amazonia
DW Fleck, RS Voss
Anthropological Linguistics, 335-368, 2006
Antipassive in Matses
DW Fleck
Studies in Language. International Journal sponsored by the Foundation …, 2006
Biological Basis of Saki (Pithecia) Folk Species Recognized by the Matses Indians of Amazonian Perú
DW Fleck, RS Voss, JL Patton
International Journal of Primatology 20, 1005-1028, 1999
Pet vocatives in southwestern Amazonia
S Dienst, DW Fleck
Anthropological Linguistics, 209-243, 2009
A new species of nectar-feeding bat of the genus Hsunycteris (Phyllostomidae: Lonchophyllinae) from northeastern Peru
PM Velazco, JA Soto-Centeno, DW Fleck, RS Voss, NB Simmons
American Museum Novitates 2017 (3881), 1-26, 2017
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Articles 1–20