Krishna Chaitanya Pitike
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Cited by
Towards an accurate description of perovskite ferroelectrics: exchange and correlation effects
VR Yuk, Simuck F. and Pitike, Krishna Chaitanya and Nakhmanson, Serge M. and ...
Scientific Reports 7, 2017
Probing the local site disorder and distortion in pyrochlore high-entropy oxides
B Jiang, CA Bridges, RR Unocic, KC Pitike, VR Cooper, Y Zhang, DY Lin, ...
Journal of the American Chemical Society 143 (11), 4193-4204, 2020
Phase-field model for dielectric breakdown in solids
K Chaitanya Pitike, W Hong
Journal of Applied Physics 115 (4), 2014
Modeling breakdown-resistant composite dielectrics
W Hong, KC Pitike
Procedia Iutam 12, 73-82, 2015
Predicting the phase stability of multicomponent high-entropy compounds
KC Pitike, S Kc, M Eisenbach, CA Bridges, VR Cooper
Chemistry of Materials 32 (17), 7507-7515, 2020
Room-temperature relaxor ferroelectricity and photovoltaic effects in tin titanate directly deposited on a silicon substrate
R Agarwal, Y Sharma, S Chang, KC Pitike, C Sohn, SM Nakhmanson, ...
Physical Review B 97 (5), 054109, 2018
First-principles studies of lone-pair-induced distortions in epitaxial phases of perovskite and
KC Pitike, WD Parker, L Louis, SM Nakhmanson
Physical Review B 91 (3), 035112, 2015
High Entropy Oxide Relaxor Ferroelectrics
Y Sharma, MC Lee, KC Pitike, KK Mishra, Q Zheng, X Gao, BL Musico, ...
ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 14 (9), 11962–11970, 2022
Unexpected crystalline homogeneity from the disordered bond network in films
M Brahlek, AR Mazza, KC Pitike, E Skoropata, J Lapano, G Eres, ...
Physical Review Materials 4 (5), 054407, 2020
Computationally accelerated discovery of high entropy pyrochlore oxides
KC Pitike, A Macias, M Eisenbach, CA Bridges, VR Cooper
Chemistry of Materials 34 (4), 1459-1472, 2022
On the elastic anisotropy of the entropy-stabilized oxide (Mg, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn) O compound
KC Pitike, AE Marquez-Rossy, A Flores-Betancourt, DX Chen, ...
Journal of Applied Physics 128 (1), 2020
Chemistry, growth kinetics, and epitaxial stabilization of Sn2+ in Sn-doped SrTiO3 using (CH3) 6Sn2 tin precursor
T Wang, KC Pitike, Y Yuan, SM Nakhmanson, V Gopalan, B Jalan
APL Materials 4 (12), 2016
Metastable vortex-like polarization textures in ferroelectric nanoparticles of different shapes and sizes
KC Pitike, J Mangeri, H Whitelock, T Patel, P Dyer, S Alpay, ...
Journal of Applied Physics 124 (6), 2018
Amplitudon and phason modes of electrocaloric energy interconversion
J Mangeri, KC Pitike, S Alpay, S Nakhmanson
npj Computational Materials 2 (1), 1-6, 2016
Polarization canting in ferroelectric diisopropylammonium-halide molecular crystals: a computational first principles study
L Louis, KC Pitike, A Ghosh, S Poddar, S Ducharme, SM Nakhmanson
Journal of Materials Chemistry C 6 (5), 1143-1152, 2018
Landau–Devonshire thermodynamic potentials for displacive perovskite ferroelectrics from first principles
KC Pitike, N Khakpash, J Mangeri, GA Rossetti Jr, SM Nakhmanson
Journal of Materials Science 54 (11), 8381-8400, 2019
Nanosecond Phase Transition Dynamics in Compressively Strained Epitaxial BiFeO3
PG Cosgriff, Margaret P. and Chen, Pice and Lee, Sung Su and Lee, Hyeon Jun ...
Advanced Electronic Materials, 2015
(Mg, Mn, Fe, Co, Ni) O: A rocksalt high-entropy oxide containing divalent Mn and Fe
Y Pu, D Moseley, Z He, KC Pitike, ME Manley, J Yan, VR Cooper, ...
Science Advances 9 (38), eadi8809, 2023
Accurate Fe–He machine learning potential for studying He effects in BCC-Fe
KC Pitike, W Setyawan
Journal of Nuclear Materials 574, 154183, 2023
Local cation ordering in compositionally complex Ruddlesden–Popper n= 1 oxides
B Jiang, KC Pitike, DY Lin, SC Purdy, X Wang, Y Zhao, Y Zhang, P Metz, ...
APL Materials 11 (5), 2023
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Articles 1–20