Alexa Rakoski
Alexa Rakoski
Graduate Student, University of Michigan
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Cited by
Transport gap in SmB6 protected against disorder
YS Eo, A Rakoski, J Lucien, D Mihaliov, Ç Kurdak, PFS Rosa, Z Fisk
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 116 (26), 12638-12641, 2019
Comprehensive surface magnetotransport study of
YS Eo, S Wolgast, A Rakoski, D Mihaliov, BY Kang, MS Song, BK Cho, ...
Physical Review B 101 (15), 155109, 2020
Family members' views on the benefits of harp music vigils for terminally-ill or dying loved ones
L Ganzini, A Rakoski, S Cohn, RA Mularski
Palliative & Supportive Care 13 (1), 41-44, 2015
Bulk transport paths through defects in floating zone and Al flux grown
YS Eo, A Rakoski, S Sinha, D Mihaliov, WT Fuhrman, SR Saha, PFS Rosa, ...
Physical Review Materials 5 (5), 055001, 2021
Understanding low-temperature bulk transport in samarium hexaboride without relying on in-gap bulk states
A Rakoski, YS Eo, K Sun, C Kurdak
Physical Review B 95 (19), 195133, 2017
Electron transport in N-polar GaN-based heterostructures
A Rakoski, S Diez, H Li, S Keller, E Ahmadi, Ç Kurdak
Applied Physics Letters 114 (16), 2019
Investigation of high-temperature bulk transport characteristics and skew scattering in samarium hexaboride
A Rakoski, YS Eo, Ç Kurdak, B Kang, M Song, B Cho
Journal of Superconductivity and Novel Magnetism 33, 265-268, 2020
Robustness of the Insulating Bulk in the Topological Kondo Insulator SmB
YS Eo, A Rakoski, J Lucien, D Mihaliov, C Kurdak, PFS Rosa, DJ Kim, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:1803.00959, 2018
Study of the Impact of Ionic Liquid Gating and Uniaxial Strain on the Strongly Correlated Electron Material Samarium Hexaboride (SmB6)
D Mihaliov, S Sinha, E Chandler, A Rakoski, P Rosa, C Kurdak
Bulletin of the American Physical Society, 2024
Revisiting Hall coefficient measurements in samarium hexaboride
A Rakoski, YS Eo, D Mihaliov, C Kurdak, P Rosa, Z Fisk, B Kang, M Song, ...
Bulletin of the American Physical Society 65, 2020
Observations of Dislocation Etch Pits in SmB6
S Sinha, A Rakoski, C Kurdak, P Rosa, M Ciomaga Hatnean, ...
APS March Meeting Abstracts 2019, G70. 089, 2019
Honey, I Shrunk the Transport Geometry, or Carving Micro-Crystals of Topological Insulators for Transport Experiments
D Mihaliov, A Rakoski, S Sinha, C Kurdak, P Rosa, Z Fisk, B Kang, ...
APS March Meeting Abstracts 2019, B01. 004, 2019
Ionic liquid gating on Al-flux grown SmB6 using Hall bar geometry
A Rakoski, D Mihaliov, C Kurdak, P Rosa, Z Fisk
APS March Meeting Abstracts 2019, P07. 005, 2019
Study of the Role of Disorder in SmB6 with Samarium Vacancies and Alloys of SmB6
D Mihaliov, YS Eo, A Rakoski, J Lucien, P Rosa, C Kurdak
Bulletin of the American Physical Society 63, 2018
Characterization and transport measurements of bulk and surface conduction of La and Eu doped SmB6 using multi-terminal Corbino devices
J Lucien, YS Eo, A Rakoski, D Mihaliov, C Kurdak, P Rosa, B Kang, B Cho
APS March Meeting Abstracts 2018, T60. 152, 2018
High temperature bulk transport on floating-zone and Al-flux grown SmB6 using Hall bar geometry
A Rakoski, YS Eo, K Sun, C Kurdak, P Rosa, Z Fisk, M Ciomaga Hatnean, ...
APS March Meeting Abstracts 2018, H44. 005, 2018
Low temperature residual bulk resistivity in floating zone SmB6 using the inverted resistance measurement
YS Eo, J Lucien, A Rakoski, D Mihaliov, C Kurdak, M Ciomaga Hatnean, ...
APS March Meeting Abstracts 2018, H44. 006, 2018
Understanding temperature-dependent bulk transport in samarium hexaboride without relying on in-gap states
A Rakoski, YS Eo, K Sun, C Kurdak
APS March Meeting Abstracts 2017, S37. 005, 2017
Developing integration and extrapolation methods for no-core configuration interaction calculations
AI Rakoski, MA Caprio
APS Division of Nuclear Physics Meeting Abstracts 2014, GB. 056, 2014
Topological insulators: transport measurements in Bi2Te2Se and capacitance probe construction
A Rakoski
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Articles 1–20