Sandya Mannarswamy
Sandya Mannarswamy
Senior Research Scientist, Conduent Labs India
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Cited by
CIMTDetect: a community infused matrix-tensor coupled factorization based method for fake news detection
S Gupta, R Thirukovalluru, M Sinha, S Mannarswamy
2018 IEEE/ACM International Conference on Advances in Social Networks …, 2018
Practical structure layout optimization and advice
R Hundt, S Mannarswamy, D Chakrabarti
International Symposium on Code Generation and Optimization (CGO'06), 12 pp.-244, 2006
{Failure-Atomic} Updates of Application Data in a Linux File System
R Verma, AA Mendez, S Park, SS Mannarswamy, TP Kelly, CB Morrey III
13th USENIX Conference on File and Storage Technologies (FAST 15), 203-211, 2015
System and method for dynamic instrumentation
VK Mehta, SS Mannarswamy
US Patent 7,926,042, 2011
Structure layout optimization for multithreaded programs
E Raman, R Hundt, S Mannarswamy
International Symposium on Code Generation and Optimization (CGO'07), 271-282, 2007
Software development system
S Doval, SS Mannarswamy, H Sandanagobalane, M Nanjundaiah
US Patent App. 11/926,530, 2008
System and method for improving run-time performance of applications with multithreaded and single threaded routines
SS Mannarswamy, S Saraswati, PS Raghavendra
US Patent 8,495,662, 2013
Fine-grained emotion detection in contact center chat utterances
S Mundra, A Sen, M Sinha, S Mannarswamy, S Dandapat, S Roy
Advances in Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining: 21st Pacific-Asia …, 2017
Stance classification of multi-perspective consumer health information
A Sen, M Sinha, S Mannarswamy, S Roy
Proceedings of the ACM India joint international conference on data science …, 2018
Partial snapshot creation
SS Mannarswamy, AS Phatak
US Patent App. 15/325,015, 2017
Whole-program optimization of global variable layout
N McIntosh, S Mannarswamy, R Hundt
Proceedings of the 15th international conference on Parallel architectures …, 2006
Optimization of an application program
SS Mannarswamy, R Surendran
US Patent App. 12/642,544, 2011
Methods and apparatus for structure layout optimization for multi-threaded programs
R Hundt, SS Mannarswamy, E Raman
US Patent 7,765,242, 2010
Dynamic software updates
SS Mannarswamy, S Saraswati
US Patent 9,256,419, 2016
System and method for recompiling code based on locality domain and thread affinity in NUMA computer systems
SS Mannarswamy, VK Mehta, PS Raghavendra
US Patent 8,453,132, 2013
Compiler aided selective lock assignment for improving the performance of software transactional memory
S Mannarswamy, DR Chakrabarti, K Rajan, S Saraswati
Proceedings of the 15th ACM SIGPLAN Symposium on Principles and Practice of …, 2010
Multi-task representation learning for enhanced emotion categorization in short text
A Sen, M Sinha, S Mannarswamy, S Roy
Advances in Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining: 21st Pacific-Asia …, 2017
Making STMs cache friendly with compiler transformations
S Mannarswamy, R Govindarajan
2011 International Conference on Parallel Architectures and Compilation …, 2011
Methods and systems for detecting check worthy claims for fact checking
S Ramakrishnan, SS Mannarswamy
US Patent App. 16/192,159, 2020
CHIS@ FIRE: Overview of the Shared Task on Consumer Health Information Search.
M Sinha, S Mannarswamy, S Roy
FIRE (Working Notes), 193-196, 2016
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Articles 1–20