Alexandre Savio
Alexandre Savio
Klinikum rechts der Isar, Technische Universität München, Germany
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Model‐based analysis of multishell diffusion MR data for tractography: How to get over fitting problems
S Jbabdi, SN Sotiropoulos, AM Savio, M Graña, TEJ Behrens
Magnetic resonance in medicine 68 (6), 1846-1855, 2012
Computer aided diagnosis system for Alzheimer disease using brain diffusion tensor imaging features selected by Pearson's correlation
M Graña, M Termenon, A Savio, A Gonzalez-Pinto, J Echeveste, JM Pérez, ...
Neuroscience letters 502 (3), 225-229, 2011
Computer aided diagnosis of schizophrenia on resting state fMRI data by ensembles of ELM
D Chyzhyk, A Savio, M Graña
Neural Networks 68, 23-33, 2015
Resting-state networks as simultaneously measured with functional MRI and PET
A Savio, S Fünger, M Tahmasian, S Rachakonda, A Manoliu, C Sorg, ...
Journal of Nuclear Medicine 58 (8), 1314-1317, 2017
Evolutionary ELM wrapper feature selection for Alzheimer's disease CAD on anatomical brain MRI
D Chyzhyk, A Savio, M Graña
Neurocomputing 128, 73-80, 2014
A lattice computing approach to Alzheimer’s disease computer assisted diagnosis based on MRI data
GA Papakostas, A Savio, M Graña, VG Kaburlasos
Neurocomputing 150, 37-42, 2015
Hybrid dendritic computing with kernel-LICA applied to Alzheimer's disease detection in MRI
D Chyzhyk, M Grana, A Savio, J Maiora
Neurocomputing 75 (1), 72-77, 2012
Prognostic value of changes in resting‐state functional connectivity patterns in cognitive recovery after stroke: A 3T fMRI pilot study
R Dacosta‐Aguayo, M Graña, A Savio, M Fernández‐Andújar, M Millán, ...
Human brain mapping 35 (8), 3819-3831, 2014
Neurocognitive disorder detection based on feature vectors extracted from VBM analysis of structural MRI
A Savio, MT García-Sebastián, D Chyzyk, C Hernández, M Graña, ...
Computers in biology and medicine 41 (8), 600-610, 2011
Classification results of artificial neural networks for alzheimer’s disease detection
A Savio, M García-Sebastián, C Hernández, M Graña, J Villanúa
International Conference on Intelligent Data Engineering and Automated …, 2009
Deformation based feature selection for computer aided diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease
A Savio, M Graña
Expert Systems with Applications 40 (5), 1619-1628, 2013
On the use of morphometry based features for Alzheimer’s disease detection on MRI
M García-Sebastián, A Savio, M Graña, J Villanúa
International Work-Conference on Artificial Neural Networks, 957-964, 2009
Discrimination between Alzheimer’s disease and late onset bipolar disorder using multivariate analysis
A Besga, I Gonzalez, E Echeburua, A Savio, B Ayerdi, D Chyzhyk, ...
Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience 7, 231, 2015
Results of an adaboost approach on Alzheimer’s disease detection on MRI
A Savio, M García-Sebastián, M Graña, J Villanúa
International Work-Conference on the Interplay Between Natural and …, 2009
The effect of a multidisciplinary intervention program on hepatic adiposity in overweight-obese children: protocol of the EFIGRO study
Contemporary Clinical Trials, 345-355, 2015
A lattice computing approach for on-line fMRI analysis
M Graña, AM Savio, M García-Sebastián, E Fernandez
Image and Vision Computing 28 (7), 1155-1161, 2010
Feature extraction from structural MRI images based on VBM: data from OASIS database
D Chyzhyk, A Savio
University of the Basque Country, Internal research publication, 2010
Local activity features for computer aided diagnosis of schizophrenia on resting-state fMRI
A Savio, M Grana
Neurocomputing 164, 154-161, 2015
Integrity of neurocognitive networks in dementing disorders as measured with simultaneous PET/functional MRI
I Ripp, T Stadhouders, A Savio, O Goldhardt, J Cabello, V Calhoun, ...
Journal of Nuclear Medicine 61 (9), 1341-1347, 2020
Brain MRI morphological patterns extraction tool based on Extreme Learning Machine and majority vote classification
M Termenon, M Graña, A Savio, A Akusok, Y Miche, KM Björk, ...
Neurocomputing 174, 344-351, 2016
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Articles 1–20