Ayman Wahba
Ayman Wahba
Professor at Computer and Systems Engineering Department, Ain Shams University
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Taxonomy of cross-platform mobile applications development approaches
WS El-Kassas, BA Abdullah, AH Yousef, AM Wahba
Ain Shams Engineering Journal 8 (2), 163-190, 2017
Smart aquaponics system for industrial Internet of Things (IIoT)
M Odema, I Adly, A Wahba, H Ragai
Proceedings of the International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Systems …, 2018
Design error diagnosis in sequential circuits
A Wahba, D Borrione
Advanced Research Working Conference on Correct Hardware Design and …, 1995
A method for automatic design error location and correction in combinational logic circuits
AM Wahba, D Borrione
Journal of Electronic Testing 8, 113-127, 1996
Improve performance of indoor positioning system using ble
E Essa, BA Abdullah, A Wahba
2019 14th International Conference on Computer Engineering and Systems …, 2019
ICPMD: Integrated cross-platform mobile development solution
WS El-Kassas, BA Abdullah, AH Yousef, A Wahba
2014 9th International Conference on Computer Engineering & Systems (ICCES …, 2014
Enhanced code conversion approach for the integrated cross-platform mobile development (icpmd)
WS El-Kassas, BA Abdullah, AH Yousef, AM Wahba
IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering 42 (11), 1036-1053, 2016
Semi-supervised deep learning framework for milk analysis using NIR spectrometers
M Said, A Wahba, D Khalil
Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems 228, 104619, 2022
High level synthesis of canny edge detection algorithm on Zynq platform
HM Abdelgawad, M Safar, AM Wahba
International Journal of Computer and Information Engineering 9 (1), 148-152, 2015
HDL-based integration of formal methods and CAD tools in the PREVAIL environment
D Borrione, H Bouamama, D Deharbe, C Le Faou, A Wahba
Formal Methods in Computer-Aided Design: First International Conference …, 1996
Connection error location and correction in combinational circuits
AM Wahba, D Borrione
Proceedings European Design and Test Conference. ED & TC 97, 235-241, 1997
High performance iris recognition system on GPU
FZ Sakr, M Taher, AM Wahba
The 2011 International Conference on Computer Engineering & Systems, 237-242, 2011
Value estimation for software product management
SI Mohamed, AM Wahba
2008 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering …, 2008
Towards value-based requirements prioritization for software product management
SI Mohamed, I ElMaddah, AM Wahba
Int. J. Softw. Eng 1 (2), 35-48, 2008
FPGA based accelerator for functional simulation
MN Wageeh, AM Wahba, AM Salem, MA Sheirah
2004 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS) 5, V-V, 2004
Development of a technology for car’s auto-parking using swarm search-based fuzzy control system
M Hanafy, MM Gomaa, M Taher, AM Wahba
International Journal of Modelling, Identification and Control 17 (1), 85-97, 2012
Verification and diagnosis of digital systems by ternary reasoning
AM Wahba, EJ Aas
Correct Hardware Design and Verification Methods: IFIPWG10. 2 Advanced …, 1993
Complete properties extraction from simulation traces for assertions auto-generation
M Hanafy, H Said, AM Wahba
2015 IEEE 24th North Atlantic Test Workshop, 1-6, 2015
Taxonomy of cross-platform mobile applications development approaches, ain shams eng
WS El-Kassas, BA Abdullah, AH Yousef, AM Wahba
J 8 (2), 163-190, 2015
Criteria-based requirements prioritization for software product management.
SI Mohamed, IAM El-Maddah, AM Wahba
Software Engineering Research and Practice, 587-593, 2008
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Articles 1–20