Larissa Elisabeth Kempenaar
Cited by
Cited by
A comparison of breastfeeding women's, peer supporters' and student midwives' breastfeeding knowledge and attitudes
KL Darwent, LE Kempenaar
Nurse education in practice 14 (3), 319-325, 2014
Rethinking yellow flags
J Stewart, L Kempenaar, D Lauchlan
Manual therapy 16 (2), 196-198, 2011
Writing by academics: a transactional and systems approach to academic writing behaviours
LE Kempenaar, R Murray
Higher Education Research & Development 35 (5), 940-950, 2016
The impact of peer support training on mothers' attitudes towards and knowledge of breastfeeding
LE Kempenaar, KL Darwent
Maternal & child nutrition 9 (3), 359-368, 2013
Widening access to writing support: beliefs about the writing process are key
L Kempenaar, R Murray
Journal of Further and Higher Education 43 (8), 1109-1119, 2018
Occupational therapy and emergency departments: a critical review of the literature
K James, D Jones, L Kempenaar, J Preston, S Kerr
British Journal of Occupational Therapy 79 (8), 459-466, 2016
Analysis of writing programmes for academics: application of a transactional and systems approach
L Kempenaar, R Murray
Studies in Higher Education 43 (12), 2371-2384, 2017
Analysis of writing programmes for academics: application of a transactional and systems analysis
L Kempenaar, R Murray
Studies in Higher Education, 1-14, 2017
Why do women attend writing retreats?
R Murray, L Kempenaar
Gender and Education, 1-18, 2018
Inclusionary othering: A key threshold concept for healthcare education
LE Kempenaar, S Shanmugam
Med Teach 40, 969-970, 2017
Sensory stimulation work with carers in the community
L Kempenaar, C McNamara, B Creaney
Journal of Dementia Care 9 (1), 16-17, 2001
Investigation of a Group Education Programme for the Informal Carers of People with Dementia
L Kempenaar, C McNamara
Physiotherapy 88 (12), 769-770, 2002
The role of physiotherapy in dementia rehabilitation
L Kempenaar
Perspectives on rehabilitation and dementia, 91-98, 2005
The shared learning journey: effective partnerships to deliver health promotion
LE Kempenaar, S Shanmugam
The Journal of Educational Innovation, Partnership and Change 4 (1), 2018
Occupational therapists in emergency departments: A qualitative study
K James, D Jones, L Kempenaar, J Preston, S Kerr
British journal of occupational therapy 81 (3), 154-161, 2018
Caring for a relative with dementia: individual differences in coping and distress.
LE Kempenaar
Glasgow Caledonian University, 2006
Designing a pre-registration integrated Doctorate in Physiotherapy programme to address future workforce capacity
S Shanmugam, L Kempenaar, H Gray
Physiotherapy 105, e182, 2019
Widening access to research and scholarly activity: a pipeline project
R Murray, L Kempenaar
UWS Higher Education Teaching and Learning 2017 Conference: Creating …, 2017
Negotiating research, other academic roles and life: an evaluation of a long-term approach
R Murray, L Kempenaar
Society for Research into Higher Education Annual Conference 2014: Inspiring …, 2014
The impact of peer support training on mothers' attitudes towards and knowledge of breastfeeding: Impact of breastfeeding peer support training
LE Kempenaar, KL Darwent
Wiley, 2011
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Articles 1–20