Research universities and local economic development: Lessons from the history of the Johns Hopkins University M Feldman, P Desrochers Industry and Innovation 10 (1), 5-24, 2003 | 430 | 2003 |
Local diversity, human creativity, and technological innovation P Desrochers Growth and change 32 (3), 369-394, 2001 | 287 | 2001 |
Industrial symbiosis: the case for market coordination P Desrochers Journal of Cleaner Production 12 (8-10), 1099-1110, 2004 | 281 | 2004 |
Truth for its own sake: academic culture and technology transfer at Johns Hopkins University M Feldman, P Desrochers Minerva 42 (2), 105-126, 2004 | 255 | 2004 |
Geographical proximity and the transmission of tacit knowledge P Desrochers The Review of Austrian Economics 14, 25-46, 2001 | 252 | 2001 |
The next Silicon Valley? On the relationship between geographical clustering and public policy GJ Hospers, P Desrochers, F Sautet International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal 5, 285-299, 2009 | 227 | 2009 |
Cluster-based economic strategy, facilitation policy and the market process P Desrochers, F Sautet The review of Austrian economics 17, 233-245, 2004 | 227 | 2004 |
Cities and industrial symbiosis: Some historical perspectives and policy implications P Desrochers Journal of industrial ecology 5 (4), 29-44, 2001 | 225 | 2001 |
Opening up the ‘Jacobs Spillovers’ black box: local diversity, creativity and the processes underlying new combinations P Desrochers, S Leppälä Journal of Economic Geography 11 (5), 843-863, 2011 | 174 | 2011 |
Industrial ecology and the rediscovery of inter‐firm recycling linkages: historical evidence and policy implications P Desrochers Industrial and Corporate Change 11 (5), 1031-1057, 2002 | 155 | 2002 |
The locavore's dilemma: In praise of the 10,000-mile diet P Desrochers, H Shimizu Public Affairs, 2012 | 153 | 2012 |
Regional development and inter-industry recycling linkages: some historical perspectives P Desrochers Entrepreneurship & Regional Development 14 (1), 49-65, 2002 | 128 | 2002 |
On the abuse of patents as economic indicators P Desrochers The quarterly journal of Austrian economics 1 (4), 51-74, 1998 | 111 | 1998 |
Entrepreneurial policy: The case of regional specialization vs. spontaneous industrial diversity P Desrochers, F Sautet Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice 32 (5), 813-832, 2008 | 109 | 2008 |
Market Processes and the Closing of’Industrial Loops’ A Historical Reappraisal P Desrochers Journal of Industrial Ecology 4 (1), 29-43, 2000 | 109 | 2000 |
Eco-industrial Parks: The Case for Private Planning P Desrochers The Independent Review 5 (3), 345-371, 2001 | 97 | 2001 |
The post war intellectual roots of the population bomb. Fairfield Osborn’s ‘Our Plundered Planet’and William Vogt’s ‘Road to Survival’in retrospect P Desrochers, C Hoffbauer The Electronic Journal of Sustainable Development 1 (3), 73, 2009 | 96 | 2009 |
Industrial symbiosis: old wine in recycled bottles? Some perspective from the history of economic and geographical thought P Desrochers, S Leppälä International Regional Science Review 33 (3), 338-361, 2010 | 73 | 2010 |
Did the invisible hand need a regulatory glove to develop a green thumb? Some historical perspective on market incentives, win-win innovations and the Porter hypothesis P Desrochers Environmental and Resource Economics 41, 519-539, 2008 | 68 | 2008 |
Yes, We Have No Bananas: A Critique of the" food Miles" Perspective P Desrochers, H Shimizu Mercatus Center, George Mason University, 2008 | 67* | 2008 |