Darya Chyzhyk
Darya Chyzhyk
PhD in Computer Science, Inria
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Benchmarking functional connectome-based predictive models for resting-state fMRI
K Dadi, M Rahim, A Abraham, D Chyzhyk, M Milham, B Thirion, ...
NeuroImage 192, 115-134, 2019
Computer aided diagnosis of schizophrenia on resting state fMRI data by ensembles of ELM
D Chyzhyk, A Savio, M Graña
Neural Networks 68, 23-33, 2015
Evolutionary ELM wrapper feature selection for Alzheimer's disease CAD on anatomical brain MRI
D Chyzhyk, A Savio, M Graña
Neurocomputing 128, 73-80, 2014
Discrimination of schizophrenia auditory hallucinators by machine learning of resting-state functional mri
D Chyzhyk, M Graña, D Öngür, AK Shinn
International journal of neural systems 25 (03), 1550007, 2015
Hybrid dendritic computing with kernel-LICA applied to Alzheimer's disease detection in MRI
D Chyzhyk, M Grana, A Savio, J Maiora
Neurocomputing 75 (1), 72-77, 2012
Neurocognitive disorder detection based on feature vectors extracted from VBM analysis of structural MRI
A Savio, MT García-Sebastián, D Chyzhyk, C Hernandez, M Graña, ...
Computers in biology and medicine 41 (8), 600-610, 2011
How to remove or control confounds in predictive models, with applications to brain biomarkers
D Chyzhyk, G Varoquaux, M Milham, B Thirion
GigaScience 11, giac014, 2022
Discrimination between Alzheimer’s disease and late onset bipolar disorder using multivariate analysis
A Besga, I Gonzalez, E Echeburua, A Savio, B Ayerdi, D Chyzhyk, ...
Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience 7, 231, 2015
Lattice independent component analysis for functional magnetic resonance imaging
M Graña, D Chyzhyk, M García-Sebastián, C Hernández
Information Sciences 181 (10), 1910-1928, 2011
Image Understanding Applications of Lattice Autoassociative Memories.
M Grana, D Chyzhyk
IEEE transactions on neural networks and learning systems, 2015
An active learning approach for stroke lesion segmentation on multimodal MRI data
D Chyzhyk, R Dacosta-Aguayo, M Mataró, M Graña
Neurocomputing 150, 26-36, 2015
Feature extraction from structural MRI images based on VBM: data from OASIS database
D Chyzhyk, A Savio
University of the Basque Country, Internal research publication, 2010
Resting state effective connectivity allows auditory hallucination discrimination
M Graña, L Ozaeta, D Chyzhyk
International journal of neural systems 27 (05), 1750019, 2017
White matter tract integrity in Alzheimer's disease vs. late onset bipolar disorder and its correlation with systemic inflammation and oxidative stress biomarkers
A Besga, D Chyzhyk, I Gonzalez-Ortega, J Echeveste, M Graña-Lecuona, ...
Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience 9, 179, 2017
Controlling a confound in predictive models with a test set minimizing its effect
D Chyzhyk, G Varoquaux, B Thirion, M Milham
2018 International Workshop on Pattern Recognition in Neuroimaging (PRNI), 1-4, 2018
Active learning with bootstrapped dendritic classifier applied to medical image segmentation
D Chyzhyk, B Ayerdi, J Maiora
Pattern Recognition Letters 34 (14), 1602-1608, 2013
Optimal hyperbox shrinking in dendritic computing applied to Alzheimer’s disease detection in MRI
D Chyzhyk, M Graña
Soft Computing Models in Industrial and Environmental Applications, 6th …, 2011
A novel lattice associative memory based on dendritic computing
GX Ritter, D Chyzhyk, G Urcid, M Graña
Hybrid Artificial Intelligent Systems: 7th International Conference, HAIS …, 2012
Eigenanatomy on fractional anisotropy imaging provides white matter anatomical features discriminating between Alzheimer’s disease and late onset bipolar disorder
A Besga, D Chyzhyk, I González-Ortega, A Savio, B Ayerdi, J Echeveste, ...
Current Alzheimer Research 13 (5), 557-565, 2016
A 2D/3D convolutional neural network for brain white matter lesion detection in multimodal MRI
L Roa-Barco, O Serradilla-Casado, M de Velasco-Vázquez, ...
Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Computer Recognition …, 2018
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Articles 1–20