Dean Whittaker
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Cited by
High-Pressure Transformation of Glass from a Tetrahedral to an Octahedral Network: A Joint Approach Using Neutron Diffraction and Molecular Dynamics
A Zeidler, K Wezka, RF Rowlands, DAJ Whittaker, PS Salmon, A Polidori, ...
Physical review letters 113 (13), 135501, 2014
Overview of the JET preparation for deuterium–tritium operation with the ITER like-wall
E Joffrin, S Abduallev, M Abhangi, P Abreu, V Afanasev, M Afzal, ...
Nuclear Fusion 59 (11), 112021, 2019
Density-driven structural transformations in network forming glasses: a high-pressure neutron diffraction study of GeO2 glass up to 17.5 GPa
PS Salmon, JWE Drewitt, DAJ Whittaker, A Zeidler, K Wezka, CL Bull, ...
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 24 (41), 415102, 2012
Density-driven structural transformations in glass
A Zeidler, K Wezka, DAJ Whittaker, PS Salmon, A Baroni, S Klotz, ...
Physical Review B 90 (2), 024206, 2014
Mechanisms of network collapse in GeO2 glass: high-pressure neutron diffraction with isotope substitution as arbitrator of competing models
K Wezka, PS Salmon, A Zeidler, DAJ Whittaker, JWE Drewitt, S Klotz, ...
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 24 (50), 502101, 2012
Topological ordering and viscosity in the glass-forming Ge–Se system: the search for a structural or dynamical signature of the intermediate phase
A Zeidler, PS Salmon, DAJ Whittaker, KJ Pizzey, AC Hannon
Frontiers in Materials 4, 32, 2017
Hydrogen isotope separation for fusion power applications
R Smith, D Whittaker, B Butler, A Hollingsworth, R Lawless, X Lefebrve, ...
Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2015
Structure of semiconducting versus fast-ion conducting glasses in the Ag–Ge–Se system
A Zeidler, PS Salmon, DAJ Whittaker, A Piarristeguy, A Pradel, HE Fischer, ...
Royal Society open science 5 (1), 171401, 2018
Partial vibrational density of states for amorphous solids from inelastic neutron scattering
DAJ Whittaker, L Giacomazzi, D Adroja, SM Bennington, A Pasquarello, ...
Physical Review B 98 (6), 064205, 2018
The structure and dynamics of fundamental glasses by neutron scattering techniques
DAJ Whittaker
University of Bath, 2012
Current status of the EU DEMO Project on the inner fuel cycle systems
C Day, B Butler, T Giegerich, B Plöckl, F Cismondi, A Frattolillo, M Gethins, ...
29th Symposium on Fusion Technology (SOFT 2016), 2016
Networks under pressure
A Zeidler, K Wezka, R Rowlands, DAJ Whittaker, PS Salmon, A Polidori, ...
ISIS Annual Review, 18, 2015
Dean Whittaker
D Whittaker
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Articles 1–13