Nicolai Petkov
Cited by
Cited by
Comparison of texture features based on Gabor filters
SE Grigorescu, N Petkov, P Kruizinga
IEEE Transactions on Image processing 11 (10), 1160-1167, 2002
Trainable COSFIRE filters for vessel delineation with application to retinal images
G Azzopardi, N Strisciuglio, M Vento, N Petkov
Medical image analysis 19 (1), 46-57, 2015
Contour detection based on nonclassical receptive field inhibition
C Grigorescu, N Petkov, MA Westenberg
IEEE Transactions on image processing 12 (7), 729-739, 2003
Edge and line oriented contour detection: State of the art
G Papari, N Petkov
Image and Vision Computing 29 (2-3), 79-103, 2011
MED-NODE: A computer-assisted melanoma diagnosis system using non-dermoscopic images
I Giotis, N Molders, S Land, M Biehl, MF Jonkman, N Petkov
Expert systems with applications 42 (19), 6578-6585, 2015
Non-linear operator for oriented texture
P Kruizinga, N Petkov
IEEE Trans. on Image Processing 8 (10), 1395-1407, 1999
Distance sets for shape filters and shape recognition
C Grigorescu, N Petkov
IEEE transactions on image processing 12 (10), 1274-1286, 2003
Contour and boundary detection improved by surround suppression of texture edges
C Grigorescu, N Petkov, MA Westenberg
Image and vision computing 22 (8), 609-622, 2004
Audio surveillance of roads: A system for detecting anomalous sounds
P Foggia, N Petkov, A Saggese, N Strisciuglio, M Vento
IEEE transactions on intelligent transportation systems 17 (1), 279-288, 2015
Computational models of visual neurons specialised in the detection of periodic and aperiodic oriented visual stimuli: bar and grating cells
N Petkov, P Kruizinga
Biological Cybernetics 76 (2), 83-96, 1997
Reliable detection of audio events in highly noisy environments
P Foggia, N Petkov, A Saggese, N Strisciuglio, M Vento
Pattern Recognition Letters 65, 22-28, 2015
Systolic Parallel Processing
N Petkov
North-Holland Elsevier, 1993
Artistic edge and corner enhancing smoothing
G Papari, N Petkov, P Campisi
IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 16 (10), 2449-2462, 2007
Trainable COSFIRE filters for keypoint detection and pattern recognition
G Azzopardi, N Petkov
IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence 35 (2), 490-503, 2012
Suppression of contour perception by band-limited noise and its relation to nonclassical receptive field inhibition
N Petkov, MA Westenberg
Biological cybernetics 88 (3), 236-246, 2003
Biologically motivated computationally intensive approaches to image pattern recognition
N Petkov
Future Generation Computer Systems 11, 451-465, 1995
A CORF computational model of a simple cell that relies on LGN input outperforms the Gabor function model
G Azzopardi, N Petkov
Biological cybernetics 106, 177-189, 2012
A framework for feature selection through boosting
A Alsahaf, N Petkov, V Shenoy, G Azzopardi
Expert Systems with Applications 187, 115895, 2022
Survey of feature selection and extraction techniques for stock market prediction
HH Htun, M Biehl, N Petkov
Financial Innovation 9 (1), 26, 2023
Automatic detection of vascular bifurcations in segmented retinal images using trainable COSFIRE filters
G Azzopardi, N Petkov
Pattern Recognition Letters 34 (8), 922-933, 2013
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Articles 1–20