Frieder Enzmann
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Cited by
Real-time 3D imaging of Haines jumps in porous media flow
S Berg, H Ott, SA Klapp, A Schwing, R Neiteler, N Brussee, A Makurat, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 110 (10), 3755-3759, 2013
Microstructural evolution of gas hydrates in sedimentary matrices observed with synchrotron X‐ray computed tomographic microscopy
M Chaouachi, A Falenty, K Sell, F Enzmann, M Kersten, D Haberthür, ...
Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems 16 (6), 1711-1722, 2015
From connected pathway flow to ganglion dynamics
M Rücker, S Berg, RT Armstrong, A Georgiadis, H Ott, A Schwing, ...
Geophysical Research Letters 42 (10), 3888-3894, 2015
Hydrogen underground storage—Petrographic and petrophysical variations in reservoir sandstones from laboratory experiments under simulated reservoir conditions
S Flesch, D Pudlo, D Albrecht, A Jacob, F Enzmann
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 43 (45), 20822-20835, 2018
Fast X-ray micro-tomography of multiphase flow in berea sandstone: A sensitivity study on image processing
L Leu, S Berg, F Enzmann, RT Armstrong, M Kersten
Transport in Porous Media 105 (2), 451-469, 2014
Connected pathway relative permeability from pore-scale imaging of imbibition
S Berg, M Rücker, H Ott, A Georgiadis, H Van der Linde, F Enzmann, ...
Advances in Water Resources 90, 24-35, 2016
Digital rock physics: Effect of fluid viscosity on effective elastic properties
EH Saenger, F Enzmann, Y Keehm, H Steeb
Journal of Applied Geophysics 74 (4), 236-241, 2011
Processing of rock core microtomography images: Using seven different machine learning algorithms
S Chauhan, W Rühaak, F Khan, F Enzmann, P Mielke, M Kersten, I Sass
Computers & Geosciences 86, 120-128, 2016
Multiphase flow in porous rock imaged under dynamic flow conditions with fast X-ray computed microtomography
S Berg, R Armstrong, H Ott, A Georgiadis, SA Klapp, A Schwing, ...
Petrophysics 55 (04), 304-312, 2014
3D simulation of the permeability tensor in a soil aggregate on basis of nanotomographic imaging and LBE solver
F Khan, F Enzmann, M Kersten, A Wiegmann, K Steiner
Journal of Soils and Sediments 12, 86-96, 2012
Nanoparticles and their influence on radionuclide mobility in deep geological formations
T Schäfer, F Huber, H Seher, T Missana, U Alonso, M Kumke, S Eidner, ...
Applied geochemistry 27 (2), 390-403, 2012
Sprouting and intussusceptive angiogenesis in postpneumonectomy lung growth: mechanisms of alveolar neovascularization
M Ackermann, JP Houdek, BC Gibney, A Ysasi, W Wagner, J Belle, ...
Angiogenesis 17, 541-551, 2014
Evidence for close-range hunting by last interglacial Neanderthals
S Gaudzinski-Windheuser, ES Noack, E Pop, C Herbst, J Pfleging, ...
Nature ecology & evolution 2 (7), 1087-1092, 2018
Evaluation of positron-emission-tomography for visualisation of migration processes in geomaterials
J Kulenkampff, M Gründig, M Richter, F Enzmann
Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, Parts A/B/C 33 (14-16), 937-942, 2008
On the path to the digital rock physics of gas hydrate-bearing sediments–processing of in situ synchrotron-tomography data
K Sell, EH Saenger, A Falenty, M Chaouachi, D Haberthür, F Enzmann, ...
Solid Earth 7 (4), 1243-1258, 2016
Mineral reactions in the geological underground induced by H2 and CO2 injections
S Henkel, D Pudlo, L Werner, F Enzmann, V Reitenbach, D Albrecht, ...
Energy Procedia 63, 8026-8035, 2014
Digital rock physics, chemistry, and biology: challenges and prospects of pore-scale modelling approach
S Sadeghnejad, F Enzmann, M Kersten
Applied Geochemistry 131, 105028, 2021
Mineral precipitation-induced porosity reduction and its effect on transport parameters in diffusion-controlled porous media
A Chagneau, F Claret, F Enzmann, M Kersten, S Heck, B Madé, T Schäfer
Geochemical transactions 16, 1-16, 2015
Experimental and numerical investigations on the effect of fracture geometry and fracture aperture distribution on flow and solute transport in natural fractures
M Stoll, FM Huber, M Trumm, F Enzmann, D Meinel, A Wenka, E Schill, ...
Journal of Contaminant Hydrology 221, 82-97, 2019
Natural gas hydrate investigations by synchrotron radiation X‐ray cryo‐tomographic microscopy (SRXCTM)
MM Murshed, SA Klapp, F Enzmann, T Szeder, T Huthwelker, ...
Geophysical Research Letters 35 (23), 2008
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Articles 1–20