Nisha Mohan
Nisha Mohan
Post-Doctoral Research Associate, LANL
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Cited by
Local relative density modulates failure and strength in vertically aligned carbon nanotubes
S Pathak, N Mohan, E Decolvenaere, A Needleman, M Bedewy, AJ Hart, ...
ACS nano 7 (10), 8593-8604, 2013
A weighted multi-objective index based optimal distributed generation planning in distribution system
N Mohan, T Ananthapadmanabha, AD Kulkarni
Procedia Technology 21, 279-286, 2015
Compressive response of vertically aligned carbon nanotube films gleaned from in situ flat-punch indentations
S Pathak, N Mohan, PPSS Abadi, S Graham, BA Cola, JR Greer
Journal of Materials Research 28 (7), 984-997, 2013
Uniaxial tension of a class of compressible solids with plastic non-normality
N Mohan, J Cheng, JR Greer, A Needleman
Journal of Applied Mechanics 80 (4), 040912, 2013
Deformation of plastically compressible hardening-softening-hardening solids
A Needleman, SB Hutchens, N Mohan, JR Greer
Acta Mechanica Sinica 28, 1115-1124, 2012
Synthesis, characterization and corrosion studies of polyanailine (PANI)/ceriem dioxide (CeO2) nano composite
K Shetty, K Raj, N Mohan
Materials Today: Proceedings 27, 2158-2163, 2020
Dissociation of⟨ 111⟩ dislocations on {11¯ 0} in pentaerythritol tetranitrate
MJ Cawkwell, N Mohan, DJ Luscher, KJ Ramos
Philosophical Magazine 99 (9), 1079-1089, 2019
Modeling microstructural effects on heterogeneous temperature fields within polycrystalline explosives
N Mohan, DJ Luscher, MJ Cawkwell, FL Addessio, KJ Ramos
Propellants, Explosives, Pyrotechnics 46 (5), 713-722, 2021
Structure and properties of dislocations and the twin boundary on (101) in β-cyclotetramethylene tetranitramine
MJ Cawkwell, N Mohan, M Zecevic, DJ Luscher, KJ Ramos
Philosophical Magazine 102 (11), 977-992, 2022
Future missions to Titan: scientific and engineering challenges
JR Greer, JM Jackson, JI Lunine, MM Mojarradi
Keck Institute for Space Studies. California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, 2011
Reassessment of power losses and enhancement of techno-economic feasibility in a radial distribution system
R Roshan, BS Ravishankar, N Mohan, KJS Kumar, DG Devaru
2022 IEEE 2nd Mysore Sub Section International Conference (MysuruCon), 1-6, 2022
Characterizing grain-size effects in the shock heating of idealized PBXs
N Mohan, MJ Cawkwell, FL Addessio, KJ Ramos, DJ Luscher
AIP Conference Proceedings 2272 (1), 2020
Reliability Analysis for an Optimal Dg Placement and Sizing for A Radial Distribution System
HC Shankar, N Mohan, BS Ravishankar, KJS Kumar, D Devaru
2022 IEEE 2nd Mysore Sub Section International Conference (MysuruCon), 1-9, 2022
Weighted Multi Objective Index Based Placement of Power Quality Disturbance Mitigating Devices in DG Environment
G Vishwanath, AD Kulkarni, N Mohan
Technology 11 (9), 111-122, 2020
Synchrophasor data based intelligent algorithm for real time event detection in power system
A Patil, T Ananthapadmanabha, AD Kulkarni, N Mohan
Int. J. Electr. Eng. Technol. 7, 49-56, 2016
Optimal DG placement based on static security assessment
G Reddy, T Ananthapadmanabha, N Mohan, L Kumar
International Journal of Electrical Engineering & Technology 7 (2), 37-49, 2016
Bolted Joining and Repair of Composite Stiffeners
N Mohan, A Sharma, K Sahu, K Kumar, V Sahadevan, P Baskaran
Proceedings of the World Congress on Engineering 3, 2011
Placement of Fixed Size Diesel Generators in IEEE 12 Bus Radial Distribution System to Improve Voltage Stability
KJ Sandeep Kumar, M Lokesh, N Mohan, K AD
An unexplored sector for Energy Conservation-MSME of India
DG Devaru, AS Kiran, G Rathnakar, N Mohan, HNR Prasad
International Research Journal on Advanced Engineering Hub (IRJAEH) 2 (04 …, 2024
Analysis of Plate Impact and Hopkinson Bar Experiments for RDX Single-Crystals
F Addessio, D Luscher, N Mohan, M Cawkwell, B Morrow, C Meredith, ...
Bulletin of the American Physical Society 64, 2019
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Articles 1–20