Arijit Kundu
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Cited by
Transport signatures of Floquet Majorana fermions in driven topological superconductors
A Kundu, B Seradjeh
Physical Review Letters 111 (13), 136042, 2013
Effective theory of Floquet topological transitions
A Kundu, HA Fertig, B Seradjeh
Physical review letters 113 (23), 236803, 2014
Anomalous Josephson current, incipient time-reversal symmetry breaking, and Majorana bound states in interacting multi-level dots
A Brunetti, A Zazunov, A Kundu, R Egger
Physical Review B 88 (14), 144515, 2013
Electron-phonon scattering in topological insulator thin films
S Giraud, A Kundu, R Egger
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 85 (3), 035441, 2012
Floquet-engineered valleytronics in dirac systems
A Kundu, HA Fertig, B Seradjeh
Physical Review Letters 116 (1), 016802, 2016
Proximity-induced superconductivity in Weyl semimetals
U Khanna, A Kundu, S Pradhan, S Rao
Physical Review B 90 (19), 195430, 2014
Energy spectrum and broken spin-surface locking in topological insulator quantum dots
A Kundu, A Zazunov, AL Yeyati, T Martin, R Egger
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 83 (12), 125429, 2011
Brillouin-Wigner theory for Floquet topological phase transitions in spin-orbit-coupled materials
P Mohan, R Saxena, A Kundu, S Rao
Physical Review B 94 (23), 235419, 2016
Quantized large-bias current in the anomalous Floquet-Anderson insulator
A Kundu, M Rudner, E Berg, NH Lindner
Physical Review B 101 (4), 041403, 2020
Tunable Floquet Majorana fermions in driven coupled quantum dots
Y Li, A Kundu, F Zhong, B Seradjeh
Physical Review B 90 (12), 121401, 2014
Chiral nodes and oscillations in the Josephson current in Weyl semimetals
U Khanna, DK Mukherjee, A Kundu, S Rao
Physical Review B 93 (12), 121409, 2016
transitions in a Josephson junction of an irradiated Weyl semimetal
U Khanna, S Rao, A Kundu
Physical Review B 95 (20), 201115, 2017
Magnetic scattering of Dirac fermions in topological insulators and graphene
A Zazunov, A Kundu, A Hütten, R Egger
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 82 (15), 155431, 2010
Transport through Andreev bound states in a Weyl semimetal quantum dot
DK Mukherjee, S Rao, A Kundu
Physical Review B 96 (16), 161408, 2017
Resonant tunneling through superconducting double barrier structures in graphene
A Kundu, S Rao, A Saha
Physical Review B 82 (15), 155441, 2010
Intrinsic nonlinear thermal Hall transport of magnons: A quantum kinetic theory approach
H Varshney, R Mukherjee, A Kundu, A Agarwal
Physical Review B 108 (16), 165412, 2023
Broken symmetry and competing orders in Weyl semimetal interfaces
R Kundu, HA Fertig, A Kundu
Physical Review B 107 (4), L041402, 2023
Spin response and collective modes in simple metal dichalcogenides
DK Mukherjee, A Kundu, HA Fertig
Physical Review B 98 (18), 184413, 2018
Perpendicular electric field drives Chern transitions and layer polarization changes in Hofstadter bands
PC Adak, S Sinha, D Giri, DK Mukherjee, Chandan, LDV Sangani, ...
Nature Communications 13 (1), 7781, 2022
Quantum charge pumping through a superconducting double barrier structure in graphene
A Kundu, S Rao, A Saha
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 83 (16), 165451, 2011
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Articles 1–20