Borja Ayerdi
Borja Ayerdi
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Hyperspectral remote sensing scenes
M Grana, MA Veganzons, B Ayerdi
Grupo de Inteligencia Computacional (GIC), 2020
Random forest active learning for AAA thrombus segmentation in computed tomography angiography images
J Maiora, B Ayerdi, M Graña
Neurocomputing 126, 71-77, 2014
Spatially regularized semisupervised ensembles of extreme learning machines for hyperspectral image segmentation
B Ayerdi, I Marqués, M Graña
Neurocomputing 149, 373-386, 2015
Discrimination between Alzheimer’s disease and late onset bipolar disorder using multivariate analysis
A Besga, I Gonzalez, E Echeburua, A Savio, B Ayerdi, D Chyzhyk, ...
Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience 7, 231, 2015
Hybrid extreme rotation forest
B Ayerdi, M Graña
Neural Networks 52, 33-42, 2014
Hyperspectral image analysis by spectral–spatial processing and anticipative hybrid extreme rotation forest classification
B Ayerdi, MG Romay
IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing 54 (5), 2627-2639, 2015
Hyperspectral image nonlinear unmixing and reconstruction by ELM regression ensemble
B Ayerdi, M Graña
Neurocomputing 174, 299-309, 2016
Risk factors for emergency department short time readmission in stratified population
A Besga, B Ayerdi, G Alcalde, A Manzano, P Lopetegui, M Graña, ...
BioMed research international 2015 (1), 685067, 2015
Active learning with bootstrapped dendritic classifier applied to medical image segmentation
D Chyzhyk, B Ayerdi, J Maiora
Pattern Recognition Letters 34 (14), 1602-1608, 2013
Meta-ensembles of classifiers for Alzheimer’s disease detection using independent ROI features
B Ayerdi, A Savio, M Graña
International Work-Conference on the Interplay Between Natural and …, 2013
Using anticipative hybrid extreme rotation forest to predict emergency service readmission risk
A Artetxe, B Ayerdi, M Graña, S Rios
Journal of Computational Science 20, 154-161, 2017
Hyperspectral Remote sensing scenes-grupo de Inteligencia computacional (GIC)
M Graña, MA Veganzons, B Ayerdi
URL https://www. ehu. eus/ccwintco/index. php/Hyperspectral_Remote …, 2021
Eigenanatomy on fractional anisotropy imaging provides white matter anatomical features discriminating between Alzheimer’s disease and late onset bipolar disorder
A Besga, D Chyzhyk, I González-Ortega, A Savio, B Ayerdi, J Echeveste, ...
Current Alzheimer Research 13 (5), 557-565, 2016
Active learning of hybrid extreme rotation forests for CTA image segmentation
B Ayerdi, J Maiora, M Graña
2012 12th International Conference on Hybrid Intelligent Systems (HIS), 543-548, 2012
Hyperspectral Remote Sensing Scenes. 2021
M Graña, MA Veganzons, B Ayerdi
URL: http://www. ehu. eus/ccwintco/index. php, 0
Applications of hybrid extreme rotation forests for image segmentation
B Ayerdi, J Maiora, A d'Anjou, M Graña
International Journal of Hybrid Intelligent Systems 11 (1), 13-24, 2014
Random forest active learning for retinal image segmentation
B Ayerdi, M Graña
Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Computer Recognition …, 2016
Random forest active learning for computed tomography angiography image segmentation
J Maiora, B Ayerdi, M Graña
Neurocomputing, inpress, 2013
Hyperspectral remote sensing scenes
MG BA, MA Veganzons, B Ayerdi
Ayerdi," Hyperspectral remote sensing scenes, 2020
Discrimination between Alzheimer’s disease and late onset bipolar disorder using multivariate analysis. Front Aging Neurosci. 2015; 7: 231
A Besga, I Gonzalez, E Echeburua, A Savio, B Ayerdi, D Chyzhyk
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Articles 1–20