Ephraim Nhlanhla Mbuli
Cited by
Cited by
Decomposition forecasting methods: A review of applications in power systems
N Mbuli, M Mathonsi, M Seitshiro, JHC Pretorius
Energy Reports 6, 298-306, 2020
Increasing the capacity of transmission lines via current uprating: An updated review of benefits, considerations and developments
M Ntuli, N Mbuli, L Motsoeneng, R Xezile, JHC Pretorius
2016 Australasian Universities Power Engineering Conference (AUPEC), 1-6, 2016
Fault detection and location in power transmission line using concurrent neuro fuzzy technique
PSP Eboule, JHC Pretorius, N Mbuli, C Leke
2018 IEEE Electrical Power and Energy Conference (EPEC), 1-6, 2018
A literature review on capacity uprate of transmission lines: 2008 to 2018
N Mbuli, R Xezile, L Motsoeneng, M Ntuli, JH Pretorius
Electric Power Systems Research 170, 215-221, 2019
Modeling and simulation of fault detection methods for power electronic interfaced microgrids
S Ndjaba, GT Machnida, M Nthontho, S Chowdhury, SP Chowdhury, ...
2012 47th International Universities Power Engineering Conference (UPEC), 1-6, 2012
A survey of big bang big crunch optimisation in power systems
N Mbuli, WS Ngaha
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 111848, 2022
Voltage regulation in the douglas area using shunt capacitor banks and controllable shunt reactors
S Sithole, N Mbuli, JHC Pretorius
2013 13th International Conference on Environment and Electrical Engineering …, 2013
Artificial neural network techniques apply for fault detecting and locating in overhead power transmission line
PSP Eboule, JHC Pretorius, N Mbuli
2018 Australasian Universities Power Engineering Conference (AUPEC), 1-6, 2018
Improvement of the Ulco network voltage regulation using a phase shifting transformer
S Sithole, N Mbuli, JHC Pretorius
IEEE Africon'11, 1-6, 2011
Statistical analysis of forced outage durations of Eskom subtransmission transformers
N Mbuli, B Mendu, M Seitshiro, JHC Pretorius
Energy Reports 6, 321-329, 2020
Optimal placement model of multi-type FACTS devices in power system networks on a limited budget
EM Malatji, B Twala, N Mbuli
2017 IEEE AFRICON, 1296-1300, 2017
The State of Science in South Africa
ASS Africa
Academy of Science of South Africa, 2009
Machine learning techniques applied on a nine-phase transmission line for faults classification and location
PSP Eboule, JHC Pretorius, N Mbuli
Energy Reports 8, 801-810, 2022
Statistical analysis of forced outage duration data for subtransmission circuit breakers
N Mbuli, B Mendu, JHC Pretorius
Energy Reports 8, 1424-1433, 2022
Potential Factors for Multi-Criteria Evaluation of Capacity Uprate in Relation to New Transmission Line Projects
N Mbuli, JHC Pretorius
2022 IEEE PES/IAS PowerAfrica, 1-5, 2022
Some considerations for designing a reactive power charge
N Mbuli, JHC Pretorius
2012 Asia-Pacific Power and Energy Engineering Conference, 1-4, 2012
Enhancement of the voltage stability and steady state performance of the cape corridor using phase shifting transformers
R Molapo, N Mbuli, N Ijumba
IEEE Africon'11, 1-6, 2011
What outage attributes affect the frequencies of forced transformer outages in Eskom regions? Evidence from 2007–2016 data
N Mbuli, B Mendu, M Seitshiro, JHC Pretorius
Energy Reports 6, 474-482, 2020
Enhancing the utilization of the matlala and glencowie 22kV radial feeders by interconnecting them using a phase shifting transformer
D Makhathini, N Mbuli, S Sithole, JHC Pretorius
2012 11th International Conference on Environment and Electrical Engineering …, 2012
Initial results of investigations into introducing new HVDC injections into the Cape network to increase transfer capacity
N Mbuli, S Sithole, T Ngcobo
IEEE Africon'11, 1-6, 2011
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Articles 1–20