Vladyslav Kozii
Vladyslav Kozii
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Non-Hermitian topological theory of finite-lifetime quasiparticles: Prediction of bulk Fermi arc due to exceptional point
V Kozii, L Fu
Physical Review B 109 (23), 235139, 2024
Odd-parity superconductivity in the vicinity of inversion symmetry breaking in spin-orbit-coupled systems
V Kozii, L Fu
Physical review letters 115 (20), 207002, 2015
Odd-parity superconductors with two-component order parameters: Nematic and chiral, full gap, and Majorana node
JWF Venderbos, V Kozii, L Fu
Physical Review B 94 (18), 180504, 2016
Nematic superconductivity stabilized by density wave fluctuations: Possible application to twisted bilayer graphene
V Kozii, H Isobe, JWF Venderbos, L Fu
Physical Review B 99 (14), 144507, 2019
Quantized thermoelectric Hall effect induces giant power factor in a topological semimetal
F Han, N Andrejevic, T Nguyen, V Kozii, QT Nguyen, T Hogan, Z Ding, ...
Nature communications 11 (1), 6167, 2020
Identification of nematic superconductivity from the upper critical field
JWF Venderbos, V Kozii, L Fu
Physical Review B 94 (9), 094522, 2016
Dmft reveals the non-hermitian topology and fermi arcs in heavy-fermion systems
Y Nagai, Y Qi, H Isobe, V Kozii, L Fu
Physical review letters 125 (22), 227204, 2020
Interactions remove the quantization of the chiral photocurrent at Weyl points
A Avdoshkin, V Kozii, JE Moore
Physical review letters 124 (19), 196603, 2020
Observation of a thermoelectric Hall plateau in the extreme quantum limit
W Zhang, P Wang, B Skinner, R Bi, V Kozii, CW Cho, R Zhong, ...
Nature communications 11 (1), 1046, 2020
Three-dimensional Majorana fermions in chiral superconductors
V Kozii, JWF Venderbos, L Fu
Science advances 2 (12), e1601835, 2016
Superconductivity near a ferroelectric quantum critical point in ultralow-density Dirac materials
V Kozii, Z Bi, J Ruhman
Physical Review X 9 (3), 031046, 2019
Thermoelectric Hall conductivity and figure of merit in Dirac/Weyl materials
V Kozii, B Skinner, L Fu
Physical Review B 99 (15), 155123, 2019
Intrinsic anomalous Hall conductivity in a nonuniform electric field
V Kozii, A Avdoshkin, S Zhong, JE Moore
Physical Review Letters 126 (15), 156602, 2021
Odd-parity superconductivity near an inversion breaking quantum critical point in one dimension
J Ruhman, V Kozii, L Fu
Physical review letters 118 (22), 227001, 2017
Spin-triplet superconductivity from intervalley Goldstone modes in magic-angle graphene
V Kozii, MP Zaletel, N Bultinck
Physical Review B 106 (23), 235157, 2022
Direct geometric probe of singularities in band structure
CD Brown, SW Chang, MN Schwarz, TH Leung, V Kozii, A Avdoshkin, ...
Science 377 (6612), 1319-1322, 2022
Thermal plasmon resonantly enhances electron scattering in Dirac/Weyl semimetals
V Kozii, L Fu
Physical Review B 98 (4), 041109, 2018
Effect of interorbital scattering on superconductivity in doped Dirac semimetals
D Dentelski, V Kozii, J Ruhman
Physical Review Research 2 (3), 033302, 2020
Ferromagnetic transition in a one-dimensional spin-orbit-coupled metal and its mapping to a critical point in smectic liquid crystals
V Kozii, J Ruhman, L Fu, L Radzihovsky
Physical Review B 96 (9), 094419, 2017
Theory of criticality for quantum ferroelectric metals
A Klein, V Kozii, J Ruhman, RM Fernandes
Physical Review B 107 (16), 165110, 2023
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Articles 1–20