Alexandros Galanidis
Alexandros Galanidis
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Local and regional assessments of the impacts of plant invaders on vegetation structure and soil properties of Mediterranean islands
M Vilà, M Tessier, CM Suehs, G Brundu, L Carta, A Galanidis, P Lambdon, ...
Journal of Biogeography 33 (5), 853-861, 2006
Horizon scanning for invasive alien species with the potential to threaten biodiversity and human health on a Mediterranean island
J Peyton, AF Martinou, OL Pescott, M Demetriou, T Adriaens, ...
Biological Invasions 21, 2107-2125, 2019
Functional trait variation among and within species and plant functional types in mountainous mediterranean forests
NM Fyllas, C Michelaki, A Galanidis, E Evangelou, J Zaragoza-Castells, ...
Frontiers in Plant Science 11, 212, 2020
Tree growth-climate relationships in a forest-plot network on Mediterranean mountains
NM Fyllas, A Christopoulou, A Galanidis, CZ Michelaki, ...
Science of the Total Environment 598, 393-403, 2017
Components of short‐term invasibility in experimental Mediterranean grasslands
AY Troumbis, A Galanidis, GD Kokkoris
Oikos 98 (2), 239-250, 2002
Factors shaping alien plant species richness spatial patterns across Natura 2000 Special Areas of Conservation of Greece
PG Dimitrakopoulos, S Koukoulas, A Galanidis, P Delipetrou, ...
Science of the Total Environment 601, 461-468, 2017
Short-term invasibility patterns in burnt and unburnt experimental Mediterranean grassland communities of varying diversities
PG Dimitrakopoulos, A Galanidis, ASD Siamantziouras, AY Troumbis
Oecologia 143, 428-437, 2005
Simulating regeneration and vegetation dynamics in Mediterranean coniferous forests
NM Fyllas, PI Politi, A Galanidis, PG Dimitrakopoulos, M Arianoutsou
Ecological Modelling 221 (11), 1494-1504, 2010
Anthropogenic and environmental determinants of alien plant species spatial distribution on an island scale
PG Dimitrakopoulos, S Koukoulas, C Michelaki, A Galanidis
Science of the Total Environment 805, 150314, 2022
An integrated phenotypic trait-network in thermo-Mediterranean vegetation describing alternative, coexisting resource-use strategies
C Michelaki, NM Fyllas, A Galanidis, M Aloupi, E Evangelou, ...
Science of the Total Environment 672, 583-592, 2019
Diversity of agricultural plants on Lesvos Island (Northeast Aegean, Greece) with emphasis on fruit trees
C Douma, K Koutis, R Thanopoulos, R Tsigou, A Galanidis, PJ Bebeli
Scientia Horticulturae 210, 65-84, 2016
Predicting species dominance shifts across elevation gradients in mountain forests in Greece under a warmer and drier climate
NM Fyllas, A Christopoulou, A Galanidis, CZ Michelaki, ...
Regional Environmental Change 17, 1165-1177, 2017
The interactive effects of fire and diversity on short-term responses of ecosystem processes in experimental Mediterranean grasslands
PG Dimitrakopoulos, ASD Siamantziouras, A Galanidis, I Mprezetou, ...
Environmental Management 37, 826-839, 2006
Adaptive flammability syndromes in thermo-Mediterranean vegetation, captured by alternative resource-use strategies
C Michelaki, NM Fyllas, A Galanidis, M Aloupi, E Evangelou, ...
Science of the Total Environment 718, 137437, 2020
Evaluating hypotheses of plant species invasions on Mediterranean islands: inverse patterns between alien and endemic species
A Bjarnason, S Katsanevakis, A Galanidis, IN Vogiatzakis, A Moustakas
Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 5, 91, 2017
HELLAS-ALIENS. The invasive alien species of Greece: time trends, origin and pathways
M Arianoutsou, C Adamopoulou, P Andriopoulos, I Bazos, ...
NeoBiota 86, 45-79, 2023
Monitoring rapid evolution of plant populations at scale with Pool-Sequencing
MEA Lucas Czech, Yunru Peng, Jeffrey P Spence, Patricia LM Lang, Tatiana ...
BioRxiv, 2022.02. 02.477408, 2022
Impacts of plant invasion on species diversity in Mediterranean islands
M Vilà, M Tessier, I Gimeno, E Moragues, A Traveset, MC De La Bandera, ...
Proceedings of the 10th MEDECOS Conference, Ecology, conservation and …, 2004
Long-term invasibility patterns in Mediterranean grasslands of varying initial diversities
A Galanidis, AY Troumbis, PG Dimitrakopoulos
Journal of Biological Research 18, 205-217, 2012
ARES (2014) 2425342-22/07/2014. Organisation and running of a scientific workshop to complete selected invasive alien species (IAS) risk assessments
H Roy, R Scalera, O Booy, E Branquart, B Gallardo, P Genovesi, ...
European Commission, 2015
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Articles 1–20