Daniel Gruhl
Cited by
Cited by
Techniques for data hiding
W Bender, D Gruhl, N Morimoto, A Lu
IBM systems journal 35 (3.4), 313-336, 1996
Steps toward a science of service systems
J Spohrer, PP Maglio, J Bailey, D Gruhl
Computer 40 (1), 71-77, 2007
Information diffusion through blogspace
D Gruhl, R Guha, D Liben-Nowell, A Tomkins
Proceedings of the 13th international conference on World Wide Web, 491-501, 2004
Echo hiding
D Gruhl, A Lu, W Bender
Information Hiding: First International Workshop Cambridge, UK, May 30–June …, 1996
SemTag and Seeker: Bootstrapping the semantic web via automated semantic annotation
S Dill, N Eiron, D Gibson, D Gruhl, R Guha, A Jhingran, T Kanungo, ...
Proceedings of the 12th international conference on World Wide Web, 178-186, 2003
Techniques for data hiding
WR Bender, D Gruhl, N Morimoto
Storage and Retrieval for Image and Video Databases III 2420, 164-173, 1995
The predictive power of online chatter
D Gruhl, R Guha, R Kumar, J Novak, A Tomkins
Proceedings of the eleventh ACM SIGKDD international conference on Knowledge …, 2005
Method and apparatus for data hiding in images
W Bender, N Morimoto, D Gruhl
US Patent 5,689,587, 1997
Techniques for data hiding
W Bender, D Gruhl, N Morimoto, A Lu
IBM systems Journal 35 (3), 373-336, 2000
Method and apparatus for echo data hiding in audio signals
W Bender, D Gruhl, N Morimoto
US Patent 5,893,067, 1999
A case for automated large-scale semantic annotation
S Dill, N Eiron, D Gibson, D Gruhl, R Guha, A Jhingran, T Kanungo, ...
Journal of web Semantics 1 (1), 115-132, 2003
Applications for data hiding
W Bender, W Butera, D Gruhl, R Hwang, FJ Paiz, S Pogreb
IBM systems journal 39 (3.4), 547-568, 2000
How to build a WebFountain: An architecture for very large-scale text analytics
D Gruhl, L Chavet, D Gibson, J Meyer, P Pattanayak, A Tomkins, J Zien
IBM Systems Journal 43 (1), 64-77, 2004
Operating system and file system independent incremental data backup
D Gruhl, JH Pieper, MA Smith
US Patent 8,595,188, 2013
System, method, and service for segmenting a topic into chatter and subtopics
DF Gruhl, RV Guha, AS Tomkins
US Patent 7,281,022, 2007
Method and apparatus for data hiding in printed images
W Bender, D Gruhl
US Patent 6,411,392, 2002
Vinci: A service-oriented architecture for rapid development of web applications
R Agrawal, RJ Bayardo Jr, D Gruhl, S Papadimitriou
Proceedings of the 10th international conference on World Wide Web, 355-365, 2001
Content monitoring in a high volume on-line community application
DF Gruhl, K Haas
US Patent 7,523,138, 2009
Knowledge-based data mining system
M Denesuk, DF Gruhl, KS McCurley, S Rajagopalan, AS Tomkins
US Patent 7,010,526, 2006
Method and apparatus for logo hiding in images
W Bender, N Morimoto, D Gruhl
US Patent 6,201,879, 2001
The system can't perform the operation now. Try again later.
Articles 1–20