Tom Rientjes
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Cited by
Constraints of artificial neural networks for rainfall-runoff modelling: trade-offs in hydrological state representation and model evaluation
NJ De Vos, THM Rientjes
Hydrology and earth system sciences 9 (1/2), 111-126, 2005
Assessment of climate change impacts on the hydrology of Gilgel Abay catchment in Lake Tana basin, Ethiopia
KS Abdo, BM Fiseha, THM Rientjes, ASM Gieske, AT Haile
Hydrological Processes: An International Journal 23 (26), 3661-3669, 2009
Changes in land cover, rainfall and stream flow in Upper Gilgel Abbay catchment, Blue Nile basin–Ethiopia
THM Rientjes, AT Haile, E Kebede, CMM Mannaerts, E Habib, ...
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 15 (6), 1979-1989, 2011
Effects of LiDAR DEM resolution in flood modelling: A model sensitivity study for the city of Tegucigalpa, Honduras
AT Haile, THM Rientjes
Isprs wg iii/3, iii/4 3, 12-14, 2005
Ungauged catchment contributions to Lake Tana's water balance
A Wale, THM Rientjes, ASM Gieske, HA Getachew
Hydrological processes: An international journal 23 (26), 3682-3693, 2009
Multi-variable calibration of a semi-distributed hydrological model using streamflow data and satellite-based evapotranspiration
THM Rientjes, LP Muthuwatta, MG Bos, MJ Booij, HA Bhatti
Journal of hydrology 505, 276-290, 2013
Effect of bias correction of satellite-rainfall estimates on runoff simulations at the source of the Upper Blue Nile
E Habib, AT Haile, N Sazib, Y Zhang, T Rientjes
Remote Sensing 6 (7), 6688-6708, 2014
Assessment of an ASTER-generated DEM for 2D hydrodynamic flood modeling
TH Tarekegn, AT Haile, T Rientjes, P Reggiani, D Alkema
International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation 12 (6 …, 2010
Attribution of changes in the water balance of a tropical catchment to land use change using the SWAT model
H Marhaento, MJ Booij, THM Rientjes, AY Hoekstra
Hydrological processes 31 (11), 2029-2040, 2017
Diagnostic evaluation of conceptual rainfall–runoff models using temporal clustering
NJ De Vos, THM Rientjes, HV Gupta
Hydrological Processes 24 (20), 2840-2850, 2010
Flux parameterization in the representative elementary watershed approach: Application to a natural basin
P Reggiani, THM Rientjes
Water Resources Research 41 (4), 2005
Rainfall variability over mountainous and adjacent lake areas: the case of Lake Tana basin at the source of the Blue Nile River
AT Haile, T Rientjes, A Gieske, M Gebremichael
Journal of applied meteorology and climatology 48 (8), 1696-1717, 2009
Assessment of water availability and consumption in the Karkheh River Basin, Iran—using remote sensing and geo-statistics
LP Muthuwatta, MD Ahmad, MG Bos, THM Rientjes
Water Resources Management 24, 459-484, 2010
Regionalisation for lake level simulation–the case of Lake Tana in the Upper Blue Nile, Ethiopia
THM Rientjes, BUJ Perera, AT Haile, P Reggiani, LP Muthuwatta
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 15 (4), 1167-1183, 2011
Analysis of combined and isolated effects of land-use and land-cover changes and climate change on the upper Blue Nile River basin's streamflow
DF Mekonnen, Z Duan, T Rientjes, M Disse
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 22 (12), 6187-6207, 2018
Evaluation of the climate prediction center (CPC) morphing technique (CMORPH) rainfall product on hourly time scales over the source of the Blue Nile River
AT Haile, E Habib, T Rientjes
Hydrological Processes 27 (12), 1829-1839, 2013
Multi-objective performance comparison of an artificial neural network and a conceptual rainfall—runoff model
NJ De Vos, THM Rientjes
Hydrological Sciences Journal 52 (3), 397-413, 2007
Multiobjective training of artificial neural networks for rainfall‐runoff modeling
NJ De Vos, THM Rientjes
Water Resources Research 44 (8), 2008
Catchment variability and parameter estimation in multi-objective regionalisation of a rainfall–runoff model
DLEH Deckers, MJ Booij, THM Rientjes, MS Krol
Water resources management 24, 3961-3985, 2010
Predicting streamflow for land cover changes in the Upper Gilgel Abay River Basin, Ethiopia: A TOPMODEL based approach
W Gumindoga, THM Rientjes, AT Haile, T Dube
Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, Parts A/B/C 76, 3-15, 2014
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Articles 1–20