Ivan Maggini
Ivan Maggini
Konrad-Lorenz Institute of Ethology
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Endogenous Rhythms of Seasonal Migratory Body Mass Changes and Nocturnal Restlessness in Different Populations of Northern Wheatear Oenanthe oenanthe
I Maggini, F Bairlein
Journal of Biological Rhythms 25 (4), 268-276, 2010
Stopover optimization in a long-distance migrant: the role of fuel load and nocturnal take-off time in Alaskan northern wheatears (Oenanthe oenanthe)
H Schmaljohann, F Korner-Nievergelt, B Naef-Daenzer, R Nagel, ...
Frontiers in Zoology 10, 1-13, 2013
The Effect of Moonlight on Scopoli's Shearwater Calonectris diomedea Colony Attendance Patterns and Nocturnal Foraging: A Test of the Foraging Efficiency …
D Rubolini, I Maggini, R Ambrosini, S Imperio, VH Paiva, G Gaibani, ...
Ethology 121 (3), 284-299, 2015
When quills kill: the defense strategy of the crested porcupine Hystrix cristata L., 1758
E Mori, I Maggini, M Menchetti
Mammalia 78 (2), 229-234, 2014
Innate sex differences in the timing of spring migration in a songbird
I Maggini, F Bairlein
PLoS One 7 (2), e31271, 2012
Environmental effects on flying migrants revealed by radar
P Becciu, MHM Menz, A Aurbach, SA Cabrera‐Cruz, CE Wainwright, ...
Ecography 42 (5), 942-955, 2019
Numbers, foraging and refuelling of passerine migrants at a stopover site in the western Sahara: diverse strategies to cross a desert
S Jenni-Eiermann, B Almasi, I Maggini, V Salewski, B Bruderer, F Liechti, ...
Journal of Ornithology 152, 113-128, 2011
Individual variability and versatility in an eco-evolutionary model of avian migration
KE Delmore, BM Van Doren, GJ Conway, T Curk, T Garrido-Garduño, ...
Proceedings of the Royal Society B 287 (1938), 20201339, 2020
Reprint of: overview of avian toxicity studies for the deepwater horizon natural resource damage assessment
SJ Bursian, CR Alexander, D Cacela, FL Cunningham, KM Dean, BS Dorr, ...
Ecotoxicology and environmental safety 146, 4-10, 2017
Light oiling of feathers increases flight energy expenditure in a migratory shorebird
I Maggini, LV Kennedy, A Macmillan, KH Elliott, K Dean, CG Guglielmo
Journal of Experimental Biology 220 (13), 2372-2379, 2017
Movement patterns and habitat use during incubation and chick-rearing of Cory's shearwaters (Calonectris diomedea diomedea)(Aves: Vertebrata) from Central Mediterranean …
JG Cecere, C Catoni, I Maggini, S Imperio, G Gaibani
Italian Journal of Zoology 80 (1), 82-89, 2013
Body condition and stopover of trans-Saharan spring migrant passerines caught at a site in southern Morocco
I Maggini, F Bairlein
Ringing & Migration 26 (1), 31-37, 2011
Effect of oral exposure to artificially weathered Deepwater Horizon crude oil on blood chemistries, hepatic antioxidant enzyme activities, organ weights and histopathology in …
SJ Bursian, KM Dean, KE Harr, L Kennedy, JE Link, I Maggini, C Pritsos, ...
Ecotoxicology and environmental safety 146, 91-97, 2017
Evaluation of sex differences in the stopover behavior and postdeparture movements of wood-warblers
YE Morbey, CG Guglielmo, PD Taylor, I Maggini, J Deakin, SA Mackenzie, ...
Behavioral Ecology 29 (1), 117-127, 2018
Site-and species-specific fuel load of European–Afrotropical passerines on arrival at three oases of southeast Morocco during spring migration
J Arizaga, I Maggini, F Hama, A Crespo, G Gargallo
Bird Study 60, 11-21, 2013
Trouble on takeoff: crude oil on feathers reduces escape performance of shorebirds
I Maggini, LV Kennedy, KH Elliott, KM Dean, R MacCurdy, A Macmillan, ...
Ecotoxicology and environmental safety 141, 171-177, 2017
Interactions between red‐billed oxpeckers and black rhinos in captivity
AG McElligott, I Maggini, L Hunziker, B König
Zoo Biology: Published in affiliation with the American Zoo and Aquarium …, 2004
Differential migration and body condition in Northern Wheatears (Oenanthe oenanthe) at a Mediterranean spring stopover site
I Maggini, F Spina, CC Voigt, A Ferri, F Bairlein
Journal of Ornithology 154 (2), 321-328, 2013
Recent phenological shifts of migratory birds at a Mediterranean spring stopover site: Species wintering in the Sahel advance passage more than tropical winterers
I Maggini, M Cardinale, JH Sundberg, F Spina, L Fusani
PLoS One 15 (9), e0239489, 2020
The amount of available food affects diurnal locomotor activity in migratory songbirds during stopover
A Ferretti, I Maggini, S Lupi, M Cardinale, L Fusani
Scientific Reports 9 (1), 19027, 2019
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Articles 1–20