gholamreza rashedi
gholamreza rashedi
Faculty of Physics, University of Isfahan, Isfahan, Iran
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Cited by
Spin-polarized Josephson current in superconductor/ferromagnet/superconductor junctions with inhomogeneous magnetization
M Alidoust, J Linder, G Rashedi, T Yokoyama, A Sudbø
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 81 (1), 014512, 2010
In-plane magnetoresistance on the surface of topological insulator
M Salehi, M Alidoust, Y Rahnavard, G Rashedi
Physica E: Low-dimensional Systems and Nanostructures 43 (4), 966-970, 2011
Thermal transport properties of graphene-based ferromagnetic/singlet superconductor/ferromagnetic junctions
M Salehi, M Alidoust, Y Rahnavard, G Rashedi
Journal of Applied Physics 107 (12), 2010
Spin polarized transport in the weak link between f-wave superconductors
G Rashedi, YA Kolesnichenko
Physica C: Superconductivity 451 (1), 31-37, 2007
Signatures of d-wave symmetry on thermal Dirac fermions in graphene-based F| I| d junctions
M Salehi, M Alidoust, G Rashedi
Journal of Applied Physics 108 (8), 2010
Thermoelectric properties of armchair phosphorene nanoribbons in the presence of vacancy-induced impurity band
M Rezaei, H Karbaschi, M Amini, M Soltani, G Rashedi
Nanotechnology 32 (37), 375704, 2021
Thermoelectric power generation efficiency of zigzag monolayer nanoribbon of bismuth
H Karbaschi, N Nouri, M Rezaei, G Rashedi
Nanotechnology 31 (37), 375403, 2020
GMR effects in graphene-based Ferromagnetic/Normal/Ferromagnetic junctions
FM Mojarabian, G Rashedi
Physica E: Low-dimensional Systems and Nanostructures 44 (3), 647-653, 2011
Spin-polarized conductance in graphene-based FSF junctions
M Salehi, G Rashedi
Physica C: Superconductivity and its applications 470 (17-18), 703-708, 2010
Effect of point-contact transparency on the coherent mixing of Josephson and transport supercurrents
G Rashedi, YA Kolesnichenko
Physical Review B 69 (2), 024516, 2004
Spin-dependent transport properties through gapless graphene-based ferromagnet and gapped graphene-based superconductor junction
Y Hajati, M Zargar Shoushtari, G Rashedi
Journal of Applied Physics 112 (1), 2012
Band structure of monolayer of graphene, silicene and silicon-carbide including a lattice of empty or filled holes
N Nouri, G Rashedi
Journal of Semiconductors 39 (8), 083001, 2018
Control of entanglement between two dissipative non-interacting qubits in a common heat bath by a laser field
M Soltani, H Ezatabadipour, J Jalali, P Darabi, E Azizi, G Rashedi
The European Physical Journal D 67, 1-9, 2013
Topological phases in Bi/Sb planar and buckled honeycomb monolayers
N Nouri, M Bieniek, M Brzezińska, M Modarresi, SZ Borujeni, G Rashedi, ...
physics letters A 382 (40), 2952-2958, 2018
Valley polarized current and Fano factor in a ferromagnetic/normal/ferromagnetic silicene superlattice junction
Z Rashidian, Z Lorestaniweiss, Y Hajati, S Rezaeipour, G Rashedi
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 442, 15-24, 2017
Conductance and Fano factor in normal/ferromagnetic/normal bilayer graphene junction
Z Rashidian, FM Mojarabian, P Bayati, G Rashedi, A Ueda, T Yokoyama
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 26 (25), 255302, 2014
Phase-controlled proximity effect in ferromagnetic Josephson junctions: Calculation of the density of states and the electronic specific heat
M Alidoust, G Rashedi, J Linder, A Sudbø
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 82 (1), 014532, 2010
Perfect valley and spin polarizations in a superlattice of ferromagnetic gapped graphene with spin-orbit coupling
S Vosoughi-nia, G Rashedi, Y Hajati, H Li
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 488, 165329, 2019
Spin and charge currents in SNS Josephson junction with f-wave pairing symmetry
Y Rahnavard, G Rashedi, T Yokoyama
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 22 (41), 415701, 2010
Transport of charge and spin in the weak link between misoriented PrOs4Sb12 superconductors
G Rashedi, YA Kolesnichenko
Superconductor Science and Technology 18 (4), 482, 2005
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Articles 1–20