Marcin Tobółka
Marcin Tobółka
Other namesMarcin Tobolka, Marcin Tobołka, Marcin Tobólka
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Conservation of farmland birds faces different challenges in Western and Central-Eastern Europe
P Tryjanowski, T Hartel, A Báldi, P Szymański, M Tobolka, I Herzon, ...
Acta Ornithologica 46 (1), 1-12, 2011
Life in a polluted world: a global review of anthropogenic materials in bird nests
Z Jagiello, Ł Dylewski, M Tobolka, JI Aguirre
Environmental Pollution 251, 717-722, 2019
Relatedness of wildlife and livestock avian isolates of the nosocomial pathogen Acinetobacter baumannii to lineages spread in hospitals worldwide
G Wilharm, E Skiebe, PG Higgins, MT Poppel, U Blaschke, S Leser, ...
Environmental microbiology 19 (10), 4349-4364, 2017
Factors determining the occurrence of anthropogenic materials in nests of the white stork Ciconia ciconia
ZA Jagiello, Ł Dylewski, D Winiarska, KM Zolnierowicz, M Tobolka
Environmental Science and Pollution Research 25, 14726-14733, 2018
Landscape structure, human disturbance and crop management affect foraging ground selection by migrating geese
ZM Rosin, P Skórka, P Wylegała, B Krąkowski, M Tobolka, Ł Myczko, ...
Journal of Ornithology 153, 747-759, 2012
Effects of management intensity and orchard features on bird communities in winter
Ł Myczko, ZM Rosin, P Skórka, P Wylegała, M Tobolka, M Fliszkiewicz, ...
Ecological Research 28, 503-512, 2013
Food composition and energy demand of the White Stork Ciconia ciconia breeding population. Literature survey and preliminary results from Poland
JZ Kosicki, P Profus, PT Dolata, M Tobółka
The White Stork in Poland: studies in biology, ecology and conservation …, 2006
The effect of extreme weather events on breeding parameters of the White Stork Ciconia ciconia
M Tobolka, KM Zolnierowicz, NF Reeve
Bird Study 62 (3), 377-385, 2015
Local and landscape-level factors affecting the density and distribution of the Feral Pigeon Columba livia var. domestica in an urban environment
K Przybylska, A Haidt, Ł Myczko, A Ekner-Grzyb, ZM Rosin, Z Kwieciński, ...
Acta Ornithologica 47 (1), 37-45, 2012
Reduced biodiversity in modernized villages: A conflict between sustainable development goals
ZM Rosin, M Hiron, M Żmihorski, P Szymański, M Tobolka, T Pärt
Journal of Applied Ecology 57, 467-475, 2020
New is not always better: low breeding success and different occupancy patterns in newly built nests of a long-lived species, the white stork Ciconia ciconia
M Tobolka, S Kuźniak, KM Zolnierowicz, TH Sparks, P Tryjanowski
Bird Study 60 (3), 399-403, 2013
The effect of climate change on avian offspring production: A global meta-analysis
L Halupka, D Arlt, J Tolvanen, A Millon, P Bize, P Adamík, P Albert, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 120 (19), e2208389120, 2023
Does the White Stork Ciconia ciconia reflect farmland bird diversity?
M Tobolka, TH Sparks, P Tryjanowski
Ornis Fennica 89, 222-228, 2012
Determination of nest occupation and breeding effect of the white stork by human-mediated landscape in Western Poland
JT Bialas, Ł Dylewski, M Tobolka
Environmental Science and Pollution Research 27, 4148–4158, 2020
Koncepcja świadczeń ekosystemowych i jej znaczenie w ochronie przyrody polskiego krajobrazu rolniczego
ZM Rosin, V Takacs, A Báldi, W Banaszak-Cibicka, Z Dajdok, PT Dolata, ...
Chrońmy Przyrodę Ojczystą 1 (67), 2011
Village modernization may contribute more to farmland bird declines than agricultural intensification
ZM Rosin, T Pärt, M Low, D Kotowska, M Tobolka, P Szymański, M Hiron
Conservation Letters 14 (6), e12843, 2021
How weather conditions in non-breeding and breeding grounds affect the phenology and breeding abilities of white storks
M Tobolka, Ł Dylewski, JT Wozna, KM Zolnierowicz
Science of The Total Environment 636, 512-518, 2018
Cranial lesions caused by helminth parasites and morphological traits in the European polecat Mustela putorius
J Demuth, M Hromada, AJ Krawczyk, AW Malecha, M Tobolka, ...
Helminthologia 46, 85-89, 2009
Znaczenie bociana białego Ciconia ciconia dla społeczeństwa: analiza z perspektywy koncepcji usług ekosystemów
J Kronenberg, M Bocheński, PT Dolata, L Jerzak, P Profus, M Tobółka, ...
Chrońmy Przyrodę Ojczystą 69 (3), 179-203, 2013
Winter habitat selection of Corvids in an urban ecosystem
Szala, K., Dylewski, Ł., Tobolka, M.
Urban Ecosystems 23 (3), 483-493, 2020
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