Carin Magnhagen
Carin Magnhagen
Dept. Wildlife, Fish, and Environmental Studies
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Predation risk as a cost of reproduction
C Magnhagen
Trends in Ecology & Evolution 6 (6), 183-186, 1991
Latitudinal variation in life‐history traits in Eurasian perch
E Heibo, C Magnhagen, LA Vøllestad
Ecology 86 (12), 3377-3386, 2005
Effects of sex ratio on intra-and inter-sexual behaviour in sand gobies
C Kvarnemo, E Forsgren, C Magnhagen
Animal Behaviour 50 (6), 1455-1461, 1995
Effects of tank colour and light intensity on feed intake, growth rate and energy expenditure of juvenile Eurasian perch, Perca fluviatilis L.
Å Strand, A Alanärä, F Staffan, C Magnhagen
Aquaculture 272 (1-4), 312-318, 2007
Reproduction under predation risk in the sand goby, Pomatoschistus minutes, and the black goby, Gobius niger: the effect of age and longevity
C Magnhagen
Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 26, 331-335, 1990
Express your personality or go along with the group: what determines the behaviour of shoaling perch?
C Magnhagen, N Bunnefeld
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 276 (1671), 3369-3375, 2009
Risk-taking behaviour in foraging perch: does predation pressure influence age-specific boldness?
C Magnhagen, J Borcherding
Animal Behaviour 75 (2), 509-517, 2008
Is boldness affected by group composition in young-of-the-year perch (Perca fluviatilis)?
C Magnhagen, F Staffan
Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 57, 295-303, 2005
Reproductive disturbances in Baltic fish: a synopsis of the FiRe project
BE Bengtsson, C Hill, A Bergman, I Brandt, N Johansson, C Magnhagen, ...
Ambio-Journal of Human Environment Research and Management 28 (1), 2-8, 1999
Big is better: the importance of size for reproductive success in male Pomatoschistus minutus (Pallas)(Pisces, Gobiidae)
C Magnhagen, L Kvarnemo
Journal of Fish Biology 35 (6), 755-763, 1989
Gape size allometry in pike reflects variation between lakes in prey availability and relative body depth
C Magnhagen, E Heibo
Functional Ecology, 754-762, 2001
Alternative reproductive behaviour in the common goby, Pomatoschistus microps: an ontogenetic gradient?
C Magnhagen
Animal Behaviour 44 (1), 182-184, 1992
Plastic sex‐roles in the common goby–the effect of nest availability
ÅA Borg, E Forsgren, C Magnhagen
Oikos 98 (1), 105-115, 2002
Female-female competition over reproduction.
A Berglund, C Magnhagen, A Bisazza, B König, F Huntingford
Predation risk and foraging in juvenile pink (Oncorhynchus gorbuscha) and chum salmon (O. keta)
C Magnhagen
Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 45 (4), 592-596, 1988
Genetic Differentiation Among Stationary and Anadromous Perch (Perca Fluviatilis) in the Baltic Sea
CL Nesbø, C Magnhagen, KS Jakobsen
Hereditas 129 (3), 241-249, 1998
Influence of predation risk on individual competitive ability and growth in Eurasian perch, Perca fluviatilis
M Westerberg, F Staffan, C Magnhagen
Animal Behaviour 67 (2), 273-279, 2004
Changes in foraging as a response to predation risk in two gobiid fish species, Pomatoschistus minutus and Gobius niger
C Magnhagen
Mar Ecol. Prog. Ser 49, 21-26, 1988
Effects of motorboat noise on foraging behaviour in Eurasian perch and roach: a field experiment
C Magnhagen, K Johansson, P Sigray
Marine Ecology Progress Series 564, 115-125, 2017
Parental behaviour in relation to the occurrence of sneaking in the common goby
O Svensson, C Magnhagen, E Forsgren, C Kvarnemo
Animal behaviour 56 (1), 175-179, 1998
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