Adam J. Barker
Adam J. Barker
Quantitative Researcher, Squarepoint Capital
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Cited by
Quasiparticle energy in a strongly interacting homogeneous Bose-Einstein condensate
R Lopes, C Eigen, A Barker, KGH Viebahn, M Robert-de-Saint-Vincent, ...
Physical review letters 118 (21), 210401, 2017
Ultracold atoms in multiple radio-frequency dressed adiabatic potentials
TL Harte, E Bentine, K Luksch, AJ Barker, D Trypogeorgos, B Yuen, ...
Physical Review A 97 (1), 013616, 2018
Applying machine learning optimization methods to the production of a quantum gas
AJ Barker, H Style, K Luksch, S Sunami, D Garrick, F Hill, CJ Foot, ...
Machine Learning: Science and Technology 1, 015007, 2019
The effect of melting on the multiphonon infrared absorption spectra of KBr, NaCl and LiF
AJ Barker
Journal of Physics C: Solid State Physics 5 (16), 2276, 1972
Observation of the Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless transition in a two-dimensional Bose gas via matter-wave interferometry
S Sunami, VP Singh, D Garrick, A Beregi, AJ Barker, K Luksch, E Bentine, ...
Physical Review Letters 128 (25), 250402, 2022
Species-selective confinement of atoms dressed with multiple radiofrequencies
E Bentine, TL Harte, K Luksch, AJ Barker, J Mur-Petit, B Yuen, CJ Foot
Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics 50 (9), 094002, 2017
Anisotropic light shift and magic polarization of the intercombination line of dysprosium atoms in a far-detuned dipole trap
T Chalopin, V Makhalov, C Bouazza, A Evrard, A Barker, M Lepers, ...
Physical Review A 98 (4), 040502, 2018
Coherent splitting of two-dimensional Bose gases in magnetic potentials
AJ Barker, S Sunami, D Garrick, A Beregi, K Luksch, E Bentine, CJ Foot
New Journal of Physics 22, 103040, 2020
Universal scaling of the dynamic BKT transition in quenched 2D Bose gases
S Sunami, VP Singh, D Garrick, A Beregi, AJ Barker, K Luksch, E Bentine, ...
Science 382 (6669), 443-447, 2023
Realising a species-selective double well with multiple-radiofrequency-dressed potentials
AJ Barker, S Sunami, D Garrick, A Beregi, K Luksch, E Bentine, CJ Foot
Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics 53, 155001, 2020
Probing multiple-frequency atom-photon interactions with ultracold atoms
K Luksch, E Bentine, AJ Barker, S Sunami, TL Harte, B Yuen, CJ Foot
New Journal of Physics 21 (7), 073067, 2019
Inelastic collisions in radiofrequency-dressed mixtures of ultracold atoms
E Bentine, AJ Barker, K Luksch, S Sunami, TL Harte, B Yuen, CJ Foot, ...
Physical Review Research 2 (3), 033163, 2020
Optical Properties of Highly Transparent Solids, edited by SS Mitra
AJ Barker, GR Wilkinson
Plenum, 1975
Distributed cooperative reinforcement learning for wireless sensor network routing
A Barker, M Swany
2022 IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC), 2565-2570, 2022
Bose gases in double-well potentials
AJ Barker
University of Oxford, 2020
A compact, windowless reflectance furnace for infrared studies of corrosive melts
AJ Barker
Journal of Physics E: Scientific Instruments 6 (3), 241, 1973
The high frequency tail of the lattice absorption spectra of simple crystals
AJ Barker, GR Wilkinson, NE Massa, SS Mitra
Optical Properties of Highly Transparent Solids, 45-58, 1975
Energy Aware Routing with Computational Offloading for Wireless Sensor Networks
A Barker, M Swany
arXiv preprint arXiv:2011.14795, 2020
Vaximap: route optimisation for housebound vaccination
TF Kirk, AJ Barker, A Bodossian, R Staruch
NPJ Digital Medicine 5 (1), 182, 2022
Multi-Dimensional Objective Based Routing in Wireless Sensor Networks Using Reinforcement Learning
A Barker
Indiana University, 2022
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Articles 1–20