ronan becheler
ronan becheler
post-doc INRAE (FRANCE)
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Cited by
Adult and larval traits as determinants of geographic range size among tropical reef fishes
OJ Luiz, AP Allen, DR Robertson, SR Floeter, M Kulbicki, L Vigliola, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 110 (41), 16498-16502, 2013
The concept of population in clonal organisms: mosaics of temporally colonized patches are forming highly diverse meadows of Zostera marina in Brittany
R Becheler, O Diekmann, C Hily, Y Moalic, S ARNAUD‐HAOND
Molecular ecology 19 (12), 2394-2407, 2010
Scaling of processes shaping the clonal dynamics and genetic mosaic of seagrasses through temporal genetic monitoring
R Becheler, E Benkara, Y Moalic, C Hily, S Arnaud-Haond
Heredity 112 (2), 114-121, 2014
Two “pillars” of cold-water coral reefs along Atlantic European margins: Prevalent association of Madrepora oculata with Lophelia pertusa, from reef to colony scale
S Arnaud-Haond, IMJ Van den Beld, R Becheler, C Orejas, L Menot, ...
Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography 145, 110-119, 2017
Out of the Mediterranean? Post‐glacial colonization pathways varied among cold‐water coral species
J Boavida, R Becheler, M Choquet, N Frank, M Taviani, JF Bourillet, ...
Journal of Biogeography 46 (5), 915-931, 2019
ClonEstiMate, a Bayesian method for quantifying rates of clonality of populations genotyped at two‐time steps
R Becheler, JP Masson, S Arnaud‐Haond, F Halkett, S Mariette, ...
Molecular Ecology Resources 17 (6), e251-e267, 2017
Low incidence of clonality in cold water corals revealed through the novel use of a standardized protocol adapted to deep sea sampling
R Becheler, AL Cassone, P Noël, O Mouchel, CL Morrison, ...
Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography 145, 120-130, 2017
Variation in thermal tolerance of the giant kelp’s gametophytes: Suitability of habitat, population quality or local adaptation?
R Becheler, D Haverbeck, C Clerc, G Montecinos, M Valero, A Mansilla, ...
Frontiers in Marine Science 9, 802535, 2022
Drivers and limits of phenotypic responses in vulnerable seagrass populations: Zostera marina in the intertidal
A Boyé, O Gauthier, R Becheler, V Le Garrec, C Hily, M Maguer, J Grall
Journal of Ecology 110 (1), 144-161, 2022
After a catastrophe, a little bit of sex is better than nothing: Genetic consequences of a major earthquake on asexual and sexual populations
R Becheler, ML Guillemin, S Stoeckel, S Mauger, A Saunier, A Brante, ...
Evolutionary Applications 13 (8), 2086-2100, 2020
Genetic signatures of a range expansion in natura: when clones play leapfrog
R Becheler, C Xhaard, EK Klein, KJ Hayden, P Frey, S De Mita, F Halkett
Ecology and Evolution 6 (18), 6625-6632, 2016
GenAPoPop 1.0: A user‐friendly software to analyse genetic diversity and structure from partially clonal and selfed autopolyploid organisms
S Stoeckel, R Becheler, E Bocharova, D Barloy
Molecular Ecology Resources 24 (1), e13886, 2024
31 Past, present and future connectivity of mediterranean cold-water corals: patterns, drivers and fate in a technically and environmentally changing world
J Boavida, R Becheler, AM Addamo, F Sylvestre, S Arnaud-Haond
Mediterranean Cold-Water Corals: Past, Present and Future: Understanding the …, 2019
Environmental filtering and biotic interactions act on different facets of the diversity of benthic assemblages associated with eelgrass
A Muller, SF Dubois, A Boyé, R Becheler, G Droual, M Chevalier, ...
Ecology and Evolution 13 (11), e10159, 2023
Reproductive modes in populations of late-acting self-incompatible and self-compatible polyploid Ludwigia grandiflora subsp. hexapetala in western Europe
S Stoeckel, R Becheler, L Portillo-Lemus, M Harang, AL Besnard, ...
Peer Community Journal 4, 2024
GenAPoPop 1.0: a user-friendly software to analyse genetic diversity and structure in partially clonal and selfed polyploid organisms
S Stoeckel, R Becheler, E Bocharova, D Barloy
Authorea, 2022
Cold-water corals in the Bay of Biscay-occurrences and distribution in space and time (TransBiscay)-Cruise No. M84/5, May 31-June 21, 2011, Vigo (Spain)-Brest (France)
S Flögel, R Becheler, A De Cleyn, M Da Cunha, WC Dullo, J Fietzke, ...
DFG-Senatskommission für Ozeanographie, 2014
Diversité génétique d'espèces structurantes en environnement marin: influence sur la réponse démographique des populations aux perturbations anthropiques
R Becheler
Université de Bretagne occidentale-Brest, 2013
Investigating the hydrodynamic connectivity of eelgrass Zostera marina population along French Atlantic coast to help management and conservation effort
R Clement, M Marzloff, F Nunes, C Rousseau, R Becheler, T Bajjouk, ...
AMEMR 2024-7th Conference of Advances in Marine Ecosystem Modelling Research …, 2024
Reproductive modes of polyploid Ludwigia grandiflora subsp. hexapetala in western Europe: the effects of a late-acting self-incompatibility system and its absence on genetic …
R Becheler, L Portillo-Lemus, M Harang, A Besnard, G Lassalle, ...
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Articles 1–20