Michael Lucking
Michael Lucking
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Cited by
Graphene oxide as an ideal substrate for hydrogen storage
L Wang, K Lee, YY Sun, M Lucking, Z Chen, JJ Zhao, SB Zhang
ACS nano 3 (10), 2995-3000, 2009
Single-atom doping of MoS2 with manganese enables ultrasensitive detection of dopamine: Experimental and computational approach
Y Lei, D Butler, MC Lucking, F Zhang, T Xia, K Fujisawa, ...
Science advances 6 (32), eabc4250, 2020
Universal In Situ Substitutional Doping of Transition Metal Dichalcogenides by Liquid-Phase Precursor-Assisted Synthesis
T Zhang, K Fujisawa, F Zhang, M Liu, MC Lucking, RN Gontijo, Y Lei, ...
ACS nano 14 (4), 4326-4335, 2020
Traditional semiconductors in the two-dimensional limit
MC Lucking, W Xie, DH Choe, D West, TM Lu, SB Zhang
Physical Review Letters 120, 086101, 2018
Large second harmonic generation in alloyed TMDs and boron nitride nanostructures
MC Lucking, K Beach, H Terrones
Scientific reports 8 (1), 10118, 2018
Multivalency-Induced Band Gap Opening at MoS2 Edges
MC Lucking, J Bang, H Terrones, YY Sun, S Zhang
Chemistry of Materials 27 (9), 3326-3331, 2015
Resonant Raman and exciton coupling in high-quality single crystals of atomically thin molybdenum diselenide grown by vapor-phase chalcogenization
I Bilgin, AS Raeliarijaona, MC Lucking, SC Hodge, AD Mohite, ...
ACS nano 12 (1), 740-750, 2018
Raman and electrical transport properties of few-layered arsenic-doped black phosphorus
NR Pradhan, C Garcia, MC Lucking, S Pakhira, J Martinez, D Rosenmann, ...
Nanoscale 11 (39), 18449-18463, 2019
Strain dependence of second harmonic generation in transition metal dichalcogenide monolayers and the fine structure of the exciton
K Beach, MC Lucking, H Terrones
Physical Review B 101 (15), 155431, 2020
Excitonic Complexes and Emerging Interlayer Electron–Phonon Coupling in BN Encapsulated Monolayer Semiconductor Alloy: WS0.6Se1.4
Y Meng, T Wang, Z Li, Y Qin, Z Lian, Y Chen, MC Lucking, K Beach, ...
Nano Letters 19 (1), 299-307, 2018
Spatial Control of Substitutional Dopants in Hexagonal Monolayer WS2: The Effect of Edge Termination
T Zhang, M Liu, K Fujisawa, M Lucking, K Beach, F Zhang, ...
Small 19 (6), 2205800, 2023
Second harmonic generation in two-dimensional transition metal dichalcogenides with growth and post-synthesis defects
W Murray, M Lucking, E Kahn, T Zhang, K Fujisawa, N Perea-Lopez, ...
2D Materials 7 (4), 045020, 2020
A nucleus-coupled electron transfer mechanism for TiO 2-catalyzed water splitting
M Lucking, YY Sun, D West, S Zhang
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 17 (26), 16779-16783, 2015
Absolute redox potential of liquid water: a first-principles theory
M Lucking, YY Sun, D West, S Zhang
Chemical Science 5 (3), 1216-1220, 2014
Modular approach for metal–semiconductor heterostructures with very large interface lattice misfit: A first-principles perspective
W Xie, M Lucking, L Chen, I Bhat, GC Wang, TM Lu, S Zhang
Crystal Growth & Design 16 (4), 2328-2334, 2016
Selective Synthesis of Bi2Te3/WS2 Heterostructures with Strong Interlayer Coupling
E Kahn, M Lucking, F Zhang, Y Lei, T Granzier-Nakajima, D Grasseschi, ...
ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2020
Doping-induced antiferromagnetic bicollinear insulating state and superconducting temperature of monolayer FeSe systems
MC Lucking, F Zheng, MJ Han, J Bang, S Zhang
Physical Review B 98 (1), 014504, 2018
Electronic properties, dynamical stability and mechanical properties of zeolite-templated carbon Schwarzites
R Siegel, K Beach, Z Ward, M Lucking, H Terrones
APS March Meeting Abstracts 2019, T70. 239, 2019
Exotic Properties of Alloys of Carbon and Boron Nitride
M Lucking, H Terrones
APS March Meeting Abstracts 2018, F40. 014, 2018
First-Principles Investigation of the Electronic Properties of Interfaces
MC Lucking
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Articles 1–20